HTML color names

Some colors have more than Hex code, some also have their HTML names. Find the name of the desired color in the overview below and you find also its HEX code.

How to use it?

Do you have the HEX color code is the easiest way to search it. To do this, press "ctrl + f" and copy the code you are looking for. Then tap search to find the corresponding name.

Red color name

 Light CoralF08080 
 Salmon FA8072 
 Dark SalmonE9967A 
 Light SalmonFFA07A 
 Crimson DC143C 
 Red FF0000 
 Fire BrickB22222 
 DarkRed 8B0000 

Pink color name

 Pink FFC0CB 
 Light PinkFFB6C1 
 HotPink FF69B4 
 Deep Pink FF1493 
 PaleVioletRed DB7093 

Orange color name

 Light Salmon FFA07A 
 Coral FF7F50 
 Tomato FF6347 
 Dark OrangeFF8C00 
 Orange FFA500 

Yellow color name

 Gold FFD700 
 Yellow FFFF00 
 Light YellowFFFFE0 
 Lemon Chiffon FFFACD 
 Moccasin FFE4B5 
 Peach PuffFFDAB9 
 PaleGoldenrod EEE8AA 
 khaki F0E68C 

Purple color name

 Lavender E6E6FA 
 Thistle D8BFD8 
 Plum DDA0DD 
 Violet EE82EE 
 Orchid DA70D6 
 Fuchsia FF00FF 
 Magenta FF00FF 
 MediumOrchid BA55D3 
 medium Purple 9370DB 
 Amethyst 9966CC 
 Blue Violet8A2BE2 
 Dark Violet9400D3 
 Dark Magenta8B008B 
 Purple 800080 
 indigo 4B0082 
 Dark Late Blue 483D8B 
 Medium Late Blue7B68EE 

Green color name

 Green YellowADFF2F 
 lime 00FF00 
 Lime Green32CD32 
 Pale Green98FB98 
 Light Green90EE90 
 Medium Spring Green00FA9A 
 Spring Green00FF7F 
 MediumSeaGreen 3CB371 
 Seagreen 2E8B57 
 Forest Green228B22 
 Green 008000 
 Dark Green006400 
 Yellow Green9ACD32 
 Olive 808000 
 Dark Olive Green 556B2F 
 Medium Aquamarine66CDAA 
 DarkSeaGreen 8FBC8F 
 LightSeaGreen 20B2AA 
 DarkCyan 008B8B 
 Teal 008080 

Blue color name

 Aqua 00FFFF 
 cyan 00FFFF 
 PaleTurquoise AFEEEE 
 DarkTurquoise 00CED1 
 Steel Blue4682B4 
 Light Steel Blue B0C4DE 
 Powder BlueB0E0E6 
 Light BlueADD8E6 
 SkyBlue 87CEEB 
 LightSkyBlue 87CEFA 
 CornflowerBlue 6495ED 
 Medium Late Blue7B68EE 
 Royal Blue4169E1 
 Blue 0000FF 
 medium Blue0000CD 
 Dark Blue 00008B 
 Navy 000080 
 Midnight Blue 191970 

Brown color name

 Cornsilk FFF8DC 
 BlanchedAlmond FFEBCD 
 Bisque FFE4C4 
 Wheat F5DEB3 
 Tan D2B48C 
 Sandy BrownF4A460 
 DarkGoldenrod B8860B 
 peru CD853F 
 Sienna A0522D 
 Brown A52A2A 
 Maroon 800000 

White color name

 White FFFFFF 
 Honeydew F0FFF0 
 Mint CreamF5FFFA 
 Azure F0FFFF 
 Alice BlueF0F8FF 
 Ghost WhiteF8F8FF 
 Seashell FFF5EE 
 Beige F5F5DC 
 OldLace FDF5E6 
 Ivory FFFFF0 
 AntiqueWhite FAEBD7 
 linen FAF0E6 
 LavenderBlush FFF0F5 
 Misty RoseFFE4E1 

Gray color name

 Light GrayD3D3D3 
 Silver C0C0C0 
 Dark Gray A9A9A9 
 Gray 808080 
 DimGray 696969 
 Light Late Gray 778899 
 Dark Late Gray 2F4F4F 
 Black 000000 

Tags html color names hex codes