Daily Calorie Consumption Calculator

We are all different when it comes to how many calories we need each day to lose, maintain or increase weight. Based on your height, weight and activity level, this energy calculator can calculate this for you. Calculate your daily required calorie intake.

How to use it?

Enter your age, weight, height, gender and activity level as you can find in the form below. Then press Calculate and the calculator will give you the answer.

Enter your age here
pound (pounds)
foot (feet) inches
Activity level Find your activity level value in the table below.

You need  
  calories (equivalent)...
kilojoules to maintain your body weight.

Find your activity level

Activity Level Calculations
Inactive: You do not participate in any regular exercise or physical activity.
Easy: You do not participate in regular physical activity, but 3-4 hours walking or day-time is included as part of your normal daily activities.
Moderate: You participate in occasional physical activity like jogging, swimming or cycling throughout the week and some recreational activities such as golf or tennis on weekends.
Heavy: You participate regularly in leisure and fitness activities at least 3-4 times per week for 30-60 minutes per session.
Strong: You regularly participate in fitness activity for 60 or more minutes at least 4 times a week.
Exercise to gain weight: For those who are underweight.
Tags energy counter calculation online calories daily intake