Twelfth Circles to Radians calculator

test long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

1/12 circle

Twelfth Circles to Radians formula

Radians to Twelfth Circles formula

Twelfth Circles
Twelfth Circles

A circle divided into 30° sectors.

Source: Wikipedia


A radian is a unit of angular measure. A turn in a full circle has an angle of 2π radians.

Source: Wikipedia

Twelfth Circles to Radians Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Twelfth Circles to Radians conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

1/12 circle rad 1/12 circle rad 1/12 circle rad 1/12 circle rad
1 0.5235987755983 26 13.613568165556 51 26.703537555513 76 39.793506945471
2 1.0471975511966 27 14.137166941154 52 27.227136331112 77 40.317105721069
3 1.5707963267949 28 14.660765716752 53 27.75073510671 78 40.840704496667
4 2.0943951023932 29 15.184364492351 54 28.274333882308 79 41.364303272266
5 2.6179938779915 30 15.707963267949 55 28.797932657906 80 41.887902047864
6 3.1415926535898 31 16.231562043547 56 29.321531433505 81 42.411500823462
7 3.6651914291881 32 16.755160819146 57 29.845130209103 82 42.93509959906
8 4.1887902047864 33 17.278759594744 58 30.368728984701 83 43.458698374659
9 4.7123889803847 34 17.802358370342 59 30.8923277603 84 43.982297150257
10 5.235987755983 35 18.32595714594 60 31.415926535898 85 44.505895925855
11 5.7595865315813 36 18.849555921539 61 31.939525311496 86 45.029494701454
12 6.2831853071796 37 19.373154697137 62 32.463124087095 87 45.553093477052
13 6.8067840827779 38 19.896753472735 63 32.986722862693 88 46.07669225265
14 7.3303828583762 39 20.420352248334 64 33.510321638291 89 46.600291028249
15 7.8539816339745 40 20.943951023932 65 34.033920413889 90 47.123889803847
16 8.3775804095728 41 21.46754979953 66 34.557519189488 91 47.647488579445
17 8.9011791851711 42 21.991148575129 67 35.081117965086 92 48.171087355043
18 9.4247779607694 43 22.514747350727 68 35.604716740684 93 48.694686130642
19 9.9483767363677 44 23.038346126325 69 36.128315516283 94 49.21828490624
20 10.471975511966 45 23.561944901923 70 36.651914291881 95 49.741883681838
21 10.995574287564 46 24.085543677522 71 37.175513067479 96 50.265482457437
22 11.519173063163 47 24.60914245312 72 37.699111843078 97 50.789081233035
23 12.042771838761 48 25.132741228718 73 38.222710618676 98 51.312680008633
24 12.566370614359 49 25.656340004317 74 38.746309394274 99 51.836278784232
25 13.089969389957 50 26.179938779915 75 39.269908169872 100 52.35987755983

  • Radian (57.295779513°)
    The radian (SI symbol rad) is the SI unit for measuring angles, and is the standard unit of angular measure used in many areas of mathematics. The length of an arc of a unit circle is numerically equal to the measurement in radians of the angle that it subtends; one radian is just under 57.3 degrees. The unit was formerly an SI supplementary unit, but this category was abolished in 1995 and the radian is now considered an SI derived unit.
  • Twelfth Circle (30°)
    A circular sector or circle sector (symbol: ⌔), is the portion of a disk enclosed by two radii and an arc, where the smaller area is known as the minor sector and the larger being the major sector. In the diagram, θ is the central angle in radians, r the radius of the circle, and L is the arc length of the minor sector. A twelfth circle sector is equal to 30°.
Tags Twelfth Circles to Radians 1/12 circle to rad Twelfth Circles 1/12 circle Radians rad converter calculator conversion table