Square Kilometers to Square Miles calculator

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How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Square Kilometers to Square Miles formula

Square Miles to Square Kilometers formula

Square Kilometers to Square Miles Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Square Kilometers to Square Miles conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

km2 mi2 km2 mi2 km2 mi2 km2 mi2
1 0.38610217499077 26 10.03865654976 51 19.691210924529 76 29.343765299299
2 0.77220434998154 27 10.424758724751 52 20.07731309952 77 29.729867474289
3 1.1583065249723 28 10.810860899742 53 20.463415274511 78 30.11596964928
4 1.5444086999631 29 11.196963074732 54 20.849517449502 79 30.502071824271
5 1.9305108749539 30 11.583065249723 55 21.235619624492 80 30.888173999262
6 2.3166130499446 31 11.969167424714 56 21.621721799483 81 31.274276174253
7 2.7027152249354 32 12.355269599705 57 22.007823974474 82 31.660378349243
8 3.0888173999262 33 12.741371774695 58 22.393926149465 83 32.046480524234
9 3.4749195749169 34 13.127473949686 59 22.780028324456 84 32.432582699225
10 3.8610217499077 35 13.513576124677 60 23.166130499446 85 32.818684874216
11 4.2471239248985 36 13.899678299668 61 23.552232674437 86 33.204787049206
12 4.6332260998893 37 14.285780474659 62 23.938334849428 87 33.590889224197
13 5.01932827488 38 14.671882649649 63 24.324437024419 88 33.976991399188
14 5.4054304498708 39 15.05798482464 64 24.710539199409 89 34.363093574179
15 5.7915326248616 40 15.444086999631 65 25.0966413744 90 34.749195749169
16 6.1776347998524 41 15.830189174622 66 25.482743549391 91 35.13529792416
17 6.5637369748431 42 16.216291349612 67 25.868845724382 92 35.521400099151
18 6.9498391498339 43 16.602393524603 68 26.254947899373 93 35.907502274142
19 7.3359413248247 44 16.988495699594 69 26.641050074363 94 36.293604449133
20 7.7220434998154 45 17.374597874585 70 27.027152249354 95 36.679706624123
21 8.1081456748062 46 17.760700049576 71 27.413254424345 96 37.065808799114
22 8.494247849797 47 18.146802224566 72 27.799356599336 97 37.451910974105
23 8.8803500247878 48 18.532904399557 73 28.185458774326 98 37.838013149096
24 9.2664521997785 49 18.919006574548 74 28.571560949317 99 38.224115324086
25 9.6525543747693 50 19.305108749539 75 28.957663124308 100 38.610217499077

  • Square Mile (2,589,988m²)
    The square mile (abbreviated as sq mi and sometimes as mi²) is an imperial and US unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square with a side length of one statute mile. It should not be confused with miles square, which refers to a square region with each side having the specified length. For instance, 20 miles square (20 × 20 miles) has an area equal to 400 square miles; a rectangle of 10 × 40 miles likewise has an area of 400 square miles, but it is not 20 miles square.
  • Square Kilometer (1,000,000m²)
    Square kilometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) or square kilometer (American spelling), symbol km2, is a multiple of the square metre, the SI unit of area or surface area.
Tags Square Kilometers to Square Miles km2 to mi2 Square Kilometers km2 Square Miles mi2 converter calculator conversion table