Horsepower hours to Btus calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Horsepower hours to Btus? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units hph and BTU.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Horsepower hours to Btus formula

BTU = hph×2544.4334276506106

Btus to Horsepower hours formula

hph = BTU2544.4334276506106

Horsepower hours to Btus Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Horsepower hours to Btus conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

hph BTU hph BTU hph BTU hph BTU
1 2544.4334276506 26 66155.269118916 51 129766.10481018 76 193376.94050145
2 5088.8668553012 27 68699.702546566 52 132310.53823783 77 195921.3739291
3 7633.3002829518 28 71244.135974217 53 134854.97166548 78 198465.80735675
4 10177.733710602 29 73788.569401868 54 137399.40509313 79 201010.2407844
5 12722.167138253 30 76333.002829518 55 139943.83852078 80 203554.67421205
6 15266.600565904 31 78877.436257169 56 142488.27194843 81 206099.1076397
7 17811.033993554 32 81421.86968482 57 145032.70537608 82 208643.54106735
8 20355.467421205 33 83966.30311247 58 147577.13880374 83 211187.974495
9 22899.900848855 34 86510.736540121 59 150121.57223139 84 213732.40792265
10 25444.334276506 35 89055.169967771 60 152666.00565904 85 216276.8413503
11 27988.767704157 36 91599.603395422 61 155210.43908669 86 218821.27477795
12 30533.201131807 37 94144.036823073 62 157754.87251434 87 221365.7082056
13 33077.634559458 38 96688.470250723 63 160299.30594199 88 223910.14163325
14 35622.067987109 39 99232.903678374 64 162843.73936964 89 226454.5750609
15 38166.501414759 40 101777.33710602 65 165388.17279729 90 228999.00848855
16 40710.93484241 41 104321.77053368 66 167932.60622494 91 231543.44191621
17 43255.36827006 42 106866.20396133 67 170477.03965259 92 234087.87534386
18 45799.801697711 43 109410.63738898 68 173021.47308024 93 236632.30877151
19 48344.235125362 44 111955.07081663 69 175565.90650789 94 239176.74219916
20 50888.668553012 45 114499.50424428 70 178110.33993554 95 241721.17562681
21 53433.101980663 46 117043.93767193 71 180654.77336319 96 244265.60905446
22 55977.535408313 47 119588.37109958 72 183199.20679084 97 246810.04248211
23 58521.968835964 48 122132.80452723 73 185743.64021849 98 249354.47590976
24 61066.402263615 49 124677.23795488 74 188288.07364615 99 251898.90933741
25 63610.835691265 50 127221.67138253 75 190832.5070738 100 254443.34276506

  • hph
    Horsepower hour (2,684,519 J)
    A horsepower-hour (hph or hp⋅h) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of units. The unit represents an amount of work a horse is supposed capable of delivering during an hour (1 (one) horsepower integrated over a time interval of an hour). The horsepower-hour is still used in the railroad industry when sharing motive power (locomotives.) For example, if Railroad A borrows a 2,500 horsepower locomotive from Railroad B and operates it for twelve hours, Railroad A owes a debt of (2,500 hp × 12 h) = 30,000 hp⋅h. Railroad A may repay the debt by loaning Railroad B a 3,000 horsepower locomotive for ten hours.
  • BTU
    Btu (1055 J)
    The British thermal unit (Btu or BTU) is a traditional unit of heat; it is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. It is part of the United States customary units. Its counterpart in the metric system is the calorie, which is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Heat is now known to be equivalent to energy, for which the SI unit is the joule; one BTU is about 1055 joules. While units of heat are often supplanted by energy units in scientific work, they are still important in many fields. As examples, in the United States the price of natural gas is quoted in dollars per million BTUs.
Tags Horsepower hours to Btus hph to BTU Horsepower hours hph Btus BTU converter calculator conversion table


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Horsepower hours to Gigajoules
Horsepower hours to Therms
Horsepower hours to Thermies
Horsepower hours to Kilowatt hours
Horsepower hours to Megajoules
Horsepower hours to Calories (Nutritional)
Horsepower hours to Kilogram calories
Horsepower hours to Watthours
Horsepower hours to Btus
Horsepower hours to Kilojoules
Horsepower hours to Liter atmospheres
Horsepower hours to Calories (15°C)
Horsepower hours to Calories (I.T.)
Horsepower hours to Calories (Thermochemical)
Horsepower hours to Gram calories
Horsepower hours to Foot pounds
Horsepower hours to Joules
Horsepower hours to Newton meters
Horsepower hours to Wattseconds
Horsepower hours to Inch pounds
Horsepower hours to Inch ounces
Horsepower hours to Millijoules
Horsepower hours to Microjoules
Horsepower hours to Teraelectronvolts
Horsepower hours to Ergs
Horsepower hours to Nanojoules
Horsepower hours to Picojoules
Horsepower hours to Megaelectronvolts
Horsepower hours to Femtojoules
Horsepower hours to Hartrees
Horsepower hours to Electronvolts
Btus to Q units
Btus to Quads
Btus to Exajoules
Btus to Terawatthours
Btus to Petajoules
Btus to Gigawatt hours
Btus to Terajoules
Btus to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Btus to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Btus to Tons (explosive)
Btus to Megawatthours
Btus to Dekatherms
Btus to Gigajoules
Btus to Therms
Btus to Thermies
Btus to Kilowatt hours
Btus to Horsepower hours
Btus to Megajoules
Btus to Calories (Nutritional)
Btus to Kilogram calories
Btus to Watthours
Btus to Kilojoules
Btus to Liter atmospheres
Btus to Calories (15°C)
Btus to Calories (I.T.)
Btus to Calories (Thermochemical)
Btus to Gram calories
Btus to Foot pounds
Btus to Joules
Btus to Newton meters
Btus to Wattseconds
Btus to Inch pounds
Btus to Inch ounces
Btus to Millijoules
Btus to Microjoules
Btus to Teraelectronvolts
Btus to Ergs
Btus to Nanojoules
Btus to Picojoules
Btus to Megaelectronvolts
Btus to Femtojoules
Btus to Hartrees
Btus to Electronvolts