Kilowatt hours to Thermies calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Kilowatt hours to Thermies? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units kWh and th.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Kilowatt hours to Thermies formula

Thermies to Kilowatt hours formula

Kilowatt hours to Thermies Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Kilowatt hours to Thermies conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

kWh th kWh th kWh th kWh th
1 0.86005064742702 26 22.361316833102 51 43.862583018778 76 65.363849204453
2 1.720101294854 27 23.221367480529 52 44.722633666205 77 66.22389985188
3 2.580151942281 28 24.081418127956 53 45.582684313632 78 67.083950499307
4 3.4402025897081 29 24.941468775383 54 46.442734961059 79 67.944001146734
5 4.3002532371351 30 25.80151942281 55 47.302785608486 80 68.804051794161
6 5.1603038845621 31 26.661570070237 56 48.162836255913 81 69.664102441588
7 6.0203545319891 32 27.521620717664 57 49.02288690334 82 70.524153089015
8 6.8804051794161 33 28.381671365091 58 49.882937550767 83 71.384203736442
9 7.7404558268431 34 29.241722012519 59 50.742988198194 84 72.244254383869
10 8.6005064742702 35 30.101772659946 60 51.603038845621 85 73.104305031296
11 9.4605571216972 36 30.961823307373 61 52.463089493048 86 73.964355678723
12 10.320607769124 37 31.8218739548 62 53.323140140475 87 74.82440632615
13 11.180658416551 38 32.681924602227 63 54.183190787902 88 75.684456973577
14 12.040709063978 39 33.541975249654 64 55.043241435329 89 76.544507621004
15 12.900759711405 40 34.402025897081 65 55.903292082756 90 77.404558268431
16 13.760810358832 41 35.262076544508 66 56.763342730183 91 78.264608915858
17 14.620861006259 42 36.122127191935 67 57.62339337761 92 79.124659563285
18 15.480911653686 43 36.982177839362 68 58.483444025037 93 79.984710210712
19 16.340962301113 44 37.842228486789 69 59.343494672464 94 80.844760858139
20 17.20101294854 45 38.702279134216 70 60.203545319891 95 81.704811505566
21 18.061063595967 46 39.562329781643 71 61.063595967318 96 82.564862152993
22 18.921114243394 47 40.42238042907 72 61.923646614745 97 83.42491280042
23 19.781164890821 48 41.282431076497 73 62.783697262172 98 84.284963447847
24 20.641215538248 49 42.142481723924 74 63.643747909599 99 85.145014095274
25 21.501266185675 50 43.002532371351 75 64.503798557026 100 86.005064742702

  • Thermie (4,185,800 J)
    A thermie (th) is a non-SI metric unit of heat energy, part of the metre-tonne-second system sometimes used by European engineers. The thermie is equal to the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 tonne (1,000 kg) of water at 14.5 °C at standard atmospheric pressure by 1 °C. The thermie is equivalent to 1,000 kilocalories, 4.1868 megajoules or 3968.3 BTU.
  • Kilowatt hour (3,600,000 J)
    The kilowatt hour (symbol kWh, kW⋅h or kW h) is a unit of energy equal to 3.6 megajoules. If energy is transmitted or used at a constant rate (power) over a period of time, the total energy in kilowatt hours is equal to the power in kilowatts multiplied by the time in hours. The kilowatt hour is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities.
Tags Kilowatt hours to Thermies kWh to th Kilowatt hours kWh Thermies th converter calculator conversion table


Kilowatt hours to Q units
Kilowatt hours to Quads
Kilowatt hours to Exajoules
Kilowatt hours to Terawatthours
Kilowatt hours to Petajoules
Kilowatt hours to Gigawatt hours
Kilowatt hours to Terajoules
Kilowatt hours to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Kilowatt hours to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Kilowatt hours to Tons (explosive)
Kilowatt hours to Megawatthours
Kilowatt hours to Dekatherms
Kilowatt hours to Gigajoules
Kilowatt hours to Therms
Kilowatt hours to Thermies
Kilowatt hours to Horsepower hours
Kilowatt hours to Megajoules
Kilowatt hours to Calories (Nutritional)
Kilowatt hours to Kilogram calories
Kilowatt hours to Watthours
Kilowatt hours to Btus
Kilowatt hours to Kilojoules
Kilowatt hours to Liter atmospheres
Kilowatt hours to Calories (15°C)
Kilowatt hours to Calories (I.T.)
Kilowatt hours to Calories (Thermochemical)
Kilowatt hours to Gram calories
Kilowatt hours to Foot pounds
Kilowatt hours to Joules
Kilowatt hours to Newton meters
Kilowatt hours to Wattseconds
Kilowatt hours to Inch pounds
Kilowatt hours to Inch ounces
Kilowatt hours to Millijoules
Kilowatt hours to Microjoules
Kilowatt hours to Teraelectronvolts
Kilowatt hours to Ergs
Kilowatt hours to Nanojoules
Kilowatt hours to Picojoules
Kilowatt hours to Megaelectronvolts
Kilowatt hours to Femtojoules
Kilowatt hours to Hartrees
Kilowatt hours to Electronvolts
Thermies to Q units
Thermies to Quads
Thermies to Exajoules
Thermies to Terawatthours
Thermies to Petajoules
Thermies to Gigawatt hours
Thermies to Terajoules
Thermies to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Thermies to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Thermies to Tons (explosive)
Thermies to Megawatthours
Thermies to Dekatherms
Thermies to Gigajoules
Thermies to Therms
Thermies to Kilowatt hours
Thermies to Horsepower hours
Thermies to Megajoules
Thermies to Calories (Nutritional)
Thermies to Kilogram calories
Thermies to Watthours
Thermies to Btus
Thermies to Kilojoules
Thermies to Liter atmospheres
Thermies to Calories (15°C)
Thermies to Calories (I.T.)
Thermies to Calories (Thermochemical)
Thermies to Gram calories
Thermies to Foot pounds
Thermies to Joules
Thermies to Newton meters
Thermies to Wattseconds
Thermies to Inch pounds
Thermies to Inch ounces
Thermies to Millijoules
Thermies to Microjoules
Thermies to Teraelectronvolts
Thermies to Ergs
Thermies to Nanojoules
Thermies to Picojoules
Thermies to Megaelectronvolts
Thermies to Femtojoules
Thermies to Hartrees
Thermies to Electronvolts