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Liter atmospheres to Joules calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Liter atmospheres to Joules? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units l-atm and J.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Liter atmospheres to Joules formula

J = latm×101.325

Joules to Liter atmospheres formula

latm = J101.325

Liter atmospheres to Joules Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Liter atmospheres to Joules conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

l-atm J l-atm J l-atm J l-atm J
1 101.325 26 2634.45 51 5167.575 76 7700.7
2 202.65 27 2735.775 52 5268.9 77 7802.025
3 303.975 28 2837.1 53 5370.225 78 7903.35
4 405.3 29 2938.425 54 5471.55 79 8004.675
5 506.625 30 3039.75 55 5572.875 80 8106
6 607.95 31 3141.075 56 5674.2 81 8207.325
7 709.275 32 3242.4 57 5775.525 82 8308.65
8 810.6 33 3343.725 58 5876.85 83 8409.975
9 911.925 34 3445.05 59 5978.175 84 8511.3
10 1013.25 35 3546.375 60 6079.5 85 8612.625
11 1114.575 36 3647.7 61 6180.825 86 8713.95
12 1215.9 37 3749.025 62 6282.15 87 8815.275
13 1317.225 38 3850.35 63 6383.475 88 8916.6
14 1418.55 39 3951.675 64 6484.8 89 9017.925
15 1519.875 40 4053 65 6586.125 90 9119.25
16 1621.2 41 4154.325 66 6687.45 91 9220.575
17 1722.525 42 4255.65 67 6788.775 92 9321.9
18 1823.85 43 4356.975 68 6890.1 93 9423.225
19 1925.175 44 4458.3 69 6991.425 94 9524.55
20 2026.5 45 4559.625 70 7092.75 95 9625.875
21 2127.825 46 4660.95 71 7194.075 96 9727.2
22 2229.15 47 4762.275 72 7295.4 97 9828.525
23 2330.475 48 4863.6 73 7396.725 98 9929.85
24 2431.8 49 4964.925 74 7498.05 99 10031.175
25 2533.125 50 5066.25 75 7599.375 100 10132.5

  • l-atm
    Liter atmosphere (101.325 J)
    A unit of energy equal to the work done on a piston by a fluid at a pressure of 1 standard atmosphere (101,325 pascals) when the piston sweeps out a volume of 1 liter; equal to 101.325 joules.
  • J
    Joule (1 J)
    The joule (/dʒuːl/; symbol: J) is a derived unit of energy in the International System of Units. It is equal to the energy transferred to (or work done on) an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or N⋅m). It is also the energy dissipated as heat when an electric current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second. It is named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818–1889).
Tags Liter atmospheres to Joules l-atm to J Liter atmospheres l-atm Joules J converter calculator conversion table


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Liter atmospheres to Calories (15°C)
Liter atmospheres to Calories (I.T.)
Liter atmospheres to Calories (Thermochemical)
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Liter atmospheres to Joules
Liter atmospheres to Newton meters
Liter atmospheres to Wattseconds
Liter atmospheres to Inch pounds
Liter atmospheres to Inch ounces
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Liter atmospheres to Picojoules
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Liter atmospheres to Femtojoules
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Liter atmospheres to Electronvolts
Joules to Q units
Joules to Quads
Joules to Exajoules
Joules to Terawatthours
Joules to Petajoules
Joules to Gigawatt hours
Joules to Terajoules
Joules to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Joules to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Joules to Tons (explosive)
Joules to Megawatthours
Joules to Dekatherms
Joules to Gigajoules
Joules to Therms
Joules to Thermies
Joules to Kilowatt hours
Joules to Horsepower hours
Joules to Megajoules
Joules to Calories (Nutritional)
Joules to Kilogram calories
Joules to Watthours
Joules to Btus
Joules to Kilojoules
Joules to Liter atmospheres
Joules to Calories (15°C)
Joules to Calories (I.T.)
Joules to Calories (Thermochemical)
Joules to Gram calories
Joules to Foot pounds
Joules to Newton meters
Joules to Wattseconds
Joules to Inch pounds
Joules to Inch ounces
Joules to Millijoules
Joules to Microjoules
Joules to Teraelectronvolts
Joules to Ergs
Joules to Nanojoules
Joules to Picojoules
Joules to Megaelectronvolts
Joules to Femtojoules
Joules to Hartrees
Joules to Electronvolts