Chains to UK Leagues calculator

tedt long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Chains to UK Leagues formula

UK Leagues to Chains formula


Location designator painted on a British railway bridge, showing 112 miles and 63 chains.

Source: Wikipedia

UK Leagues
UK Leagues

A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour.

Source: Wikipedia / Natural Living Ideas

Chains to UK Leagues Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Chains to UK Leagues conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

ch lg ch lg ch lg ch lg
1 0.0041641857717312 26 0.10826883006501 51 0.21237347435829 76 0.31647811865157
2 0.0083283715434623 27 0.11243301583674 52 0.21653766013002 77 0.3206423044233
3 0.012492557315194 28 0.11659720160847 53 0.22070184590175 78 0.32480649019503
4 0.016656743086925 29 0.1207613873802 54 0.22486603167348 79 0.32897067596676
5 0.020820928858656 30 0.12492557315194 55 0.22903021744521 80 0.33313486173849
6 0.024985114630387 31 0.12908975892367 56 0.23319440321695 81 0.33729904751022
7 0.029149300402118 32 0.1332539446954 57 0.23735858898868 82 0.34146323328196
8 0.033313486173849 33 0.13741813046713 58 0.24152277476041 83 0.34562741905369
9 0.037477671945581 34 0.14158231623886 59 0.24568696053214 84 0.34979160482542
10 0.041641857717312 35 0.14574650201059 60 0.24985114630387 85 0.35395579059715
11 0.045806043489043 36 0.14991068778232 61 0.2540153320756 86 0.35811997636888
12 0.049970229260774 37 0.15407487355405 62 0.25817951784733 87 0.36228416214061
13 0.054134415032505 38 0.15823905932578 63 0.26234370361906 88 0.36644834791234
14 0.058298600804236 39 0.16240324509752 64 0.26650788939079 89 0.37061253368407
15 0.062462786575968 40 0.16656743086925 65 0.27067207516253 90 0.37477671945581
16 0.066626972347699 41 0.17073161664098 66 0.27483626093426 91 0.37894090522754
17 0.07079115811943 42 0.17489580241271 67 0.27900044670599 92 0.38310509099927
18 0.074955343891161 43 0.17905998818444 68 0.28316463247772 93 0.387269276771
19 0.079119529662892 44 0.18322417395617 69 0.28732881824945 94 0.39143346254273
20 0.083283715434623 45 0.1873883597279 70 0.29149300402118 95 0.39559764831446
21 0.087447901206355 46 0.19155254549963 71 0.29565718979291 96 0.39976183408619
22 0.091612086978086 47 0.19571673127136 72 0.29982137556464 97 0.40392601985792
23 0.095776272749817 48 0.1998809170431 73 0.30398556133638 98 0.40809020562965
24 0.099940458521548 49 0.20404510281483 74 0.30814974710811 99 0.41225439140139
25 0.10410464429328 50 0.20820928858656 75 0.31231393287984 100 0.41641857717312

  • UK League (4,830.918 meters)
    A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries.
  • Chain (20.11684 meters)
    A chain is a unit of length that measures 66 feet, 22 yards, 100 links, or 4 rods (20.1168 m). There are 10 chains in a furlong, and 80 chains in one statute mile. An acre is the area of 10 square chains (that is, an area of one chain by one furlong). The chain has been used for several centuries in England and in some other countries influenced by English practice. In Scotland a chain was 74 feet.
Tags Chains to UK Leagues ch to lg Chains ch UK Leagues lg converter calculator conversion table