Light-years to US Nautical Leagues calculator

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Light-years to US Nautical Leagues formula

US Nautical Leagues to Light-years formula


One light year is the distance that light can travel in one year. Light moves at a velocity of about 300,000 kilometers (km) each second. So in one year, it can travel about 10 trillion km. More p recisely, one light-year is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers.

Source: Wikipedia

US Nautical Leagues
US Nautical Leagues

The chart you are viewing is a NGA standard nautical chart. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has partnered with OceanGrafix to provide commercial and recreational mariners with a good source of nautical chart coverage for international waters.

Source: American Nautical Services

Light-years to US Nautical Leagues Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Light-years to US Nautical Leagues conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

ly nl ly nl ly nl ly nl
1 1702795356371.5 26 44272679265659 51 86842563174946 76 1.2941244708423E+14
2 3405590712743 27 45975474622030 52 88545358531318 77 1.311152424406E+14
3 5108386069114.5 28 47678269978402 53 90248153887689 78 1.3281803779698E+14
4 6811181425486 29 49381065334773 54 91950949244060 79 1.3452083315335E+14
5 8513976781857.5 30 51083860691145 55 93653744600432 80 1.3622362850972E+14
6 10216772138229 31 52786656047516 56 95356539956803 81 1.3792642386609E+14
7 11919567494600 32 54489451403888 57 97059335313175 82 1.3962921922246E+14
8 13622362850972 33 56192246760259 58 98762130669546 83 1.4133201457883E+14
9 15325158207343 34 57895042116631 59 1.0046492602592E+14 84 1.4303480993521E+14
10 17027953563715 35 59597837473002 60 1.0216772138229E+14 85 1.4473760529158E+14
11 18730748920086 36 61300632829374 61 1.0387051673866E+14 86 1.4644040064795E+14
12 20433544276458 37 63003428185745 62 1.0557331209503E+14 87 1.4814319600432E+14
13 22136339632829 38 64706223542117 63 1.072761074514E+14 88 1.4984599136069E+14
14 23839134989201 39 66409018898488 64 1.0897890280778E+14 89 1.5154878671706E+14
15 25541930345572 40 68111814254860 65 1.1068169816415E+14 90 1.5325158207343E+14
16 27244725701944 41 69814609611231 66 1.1238449352052E+14 91 1.5495437742981E+14
17 28947521058315 42 71517404967603 67 1.1408728887689E+14 92 1.5665717278618E+14
18 30650316414687 43 73220200323974 68 1.1579008423326E+14 93 1.5835996814255E+14
19 32353111771058 44 74922995680346 69 1.1749287958963E+14 94 1.6006276349892E+14
20 34055907127430 45 76625791036717 70 1.19195674946E+14 95 1.6176555885529E+14
21 35758702483801 46 78328586393089 71 1.2089847030238E+14 96 1.6346835421166E+14
22 37461497840173 47 80031381749460 72 1.2260126565875E+14 97 1.6517114956803E+14
23 39164293196544 48 81734177105832 73 1.2430406101512E+14 98 1.6687394492441E+14
24 40867088552916 49 83436972462203 74 1.2600685637149E+14 99 1.6857674028078E+14
25 42569883909287 50 85139767818575 75 1.2770965172786E+14 100 1.7027953563715E+14

  • Light-year (9,460,731,000,000,000 meters)
    The light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances and measures about 9.5 trillion kilometres or 5.9 trillion miles. As defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a light-year is the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days). Because it includes the word "year", the term light-year is sometimes misinterpreted as a unit of time. The light-year is most often used when expressing distances to stars and other distances on a galactic scale, especially in nonspecialist and popular science publications. The unit most commonly used in professional astrometry is the parsec (symbol: pc, about 3.26 light-years; the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one second of arc).
  • US Nautical League (5,556 meters)
    A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries. On land, the league is most commonly defined as three miles, though the length of a mile could vary from place to place and depending on the era. At sea, a league is three nautical miles (3.452 miles; 5.556 kilometres).
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