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Microinches to Centimeters calculator

tedt long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Microinches to Centimeters formula

cm\ =\ \frac{µin} {393700.79}

Centimeters to Microinches formula

µin\ =\ cm \times 393700.79


An example of usage of microinches to define the roughness of the material.



A carpenter's ruler with centimetre divisions.

Source: Wikipedia

Microinches to Centimeters Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Microinches to Centimeters conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

µin cm µin cm µin cm µin cm
1 2.54E-6 26 6.604E-5 51 0.00012954 76 0.00019304
2 5.08E-6 27 6.858E-5 52 0.00013208 77 0.00019558
3 7.62E-6 28 7.112E-5 53 0.00013462 78 0.00019812
4 1.016E-5 29 7.366E-5 54 0.00013716 79 0.00020066
5 1.27E-5 30 7.62E-5 55 0.0001397 80 0.0002032
6 1.524E-5 31 7.874E-5 56 0.00014224 81 0.00020574
7 1.778E-5 32 8.128E-5 57 0.00014478 82 0.00020828
8 2.032E-5 33 8.382E-5 58 0.00014732 83 0.00021082
9 2.286E-5 34 8.636E-5 59 0.00014986 84 0.00021336
10 2.54E-5 35 8.89E-5 60 0.0001524 85 0.0002159
11 2.794E-5 36 9.144E-5 61 0.00015494 86 0.00021844
12 3.048E-5 37 9.398E-5 62 0.00015748 87 0.00022098
13 3.302E-5 38 9.652E-5 63 0.00016002 88 0.00022352
14 3.556E-5 39 9.906E-5 64 0.00016256 89 0.00022606
15 3.81E-5 40 0.0001016 65 0.0001651 90 0.0002286
16 4.064E-5 41 0.00010414 66 0.00016764 91 0.00023114
17 4.318E-5 42 0.00010668 67 0.00017018 92 0.00023368
18 4.572E-5 43 0.00010922 68 0.00017272 93 0.00023622
19 4.826E-5 44 0.00011176 69 0.00017526 94 0.00023876
20 5.08E-5 45 0.0001143 70 0.0001778 95 0.0002413
21 5.334E-5 46 0.00011684 71 0.00018034 96 0.00024384
22 5.588E-5 47 0.00011938 72 0.00018288 97 0.00024638
23 5.842E-5 48 0.00012192 73 0.00018542 98 0.00024892
24 6.096E-5 49 0.00012446 74 0.00018796 99 0.00025146
25 6.35E-5 50 0.000127 75 0.0001905 100 0.000254

  • cm
    Centimeter (0.01 meters)
    A centimetre (international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; symbol cm) or centimeter (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one hundredth of a metre, centi being the SI prefix for a factor of 1 / 100.
  • µin
    Microinch (0.0000000254 meters)
    A unit of measurement, the length of one one-millionth of an inch, equivalent to 25.4 nanometers. Symbol: µin.
Tags Microinches to Centimeters µin to cm Microinches µin Centimeters cm converter calculator conversion table