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US Leagues to Centimeters calculator

tedt long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


US Leagues to Centimeters formula

cm = lea×482804.2

Centimeters to US Leagues formula

lea = cm482804.2

US Leagues
US Leagues

A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour.

Source: Wikipedia / Natural Living Ideas


A carpenter's ruler with centimetre divisions.

Source: Wikipedia

US Leagues to Centimeters Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the US Leagues to Centimeters conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

lea cm lea cm lea cm lea cm
1 482804.2 26 12552909.2 51 24623014.2 76 36693119.2
2 965608.4 27 13035713.4 52 25105818.4 77 37175923.4
3 1448412.6 28 13518517.6 53 25588622.6 78 37658727.6
4 1931216.8 29 14001321.8 54 26071426.8 79 38141531.8
5 2414021 30 14484126 55 26554231 80 38624336
6 2896825.2 31 14966930.2 56 27037035.2 81 39107140.2
7 3379629.4 32 15449734.4 57 27519839.4 82 39589944.4
8 3862433.6 33 15932538.6 58 28002643.6 83 40072748.6
9 4345237.8 34 16415342.8 59 28485447.8 84 40555552.8
10 4828042 35 16898147 60 28968252 85 41038357
11 5310846.2 36 17380951.2 61 29451056.2 86 41521161.2
12 5793650.4 37 17863755.4 62 29933860.4 87 42003965.4
13 6276454.6 38 18346559.6 63 30416664.6 88 42486769.6
14 6759258.8 39 18829363.8 64 30899468.8 89 42969573.8
15 7242063 40 19312168 65 31382273 90 43452378
16 7724867.2 41 19794972.2 66 31865077.2 91 43935182.2
17 8207671.4 42 20277776.4 67 32347881.4 92 44417986.4
18 8690475.6 43 20760580.6 68 32830685.6 93 44900790.6
19 9173279.8 44 21243384.8 69 33313489.8 94 45383594.8
20 9656084 45 21726189 70 33796294 95 45866399
21 10138888.2 46 22208993.2 71 34279098.2 96 46349203.2
22 10621692.4 47 22691797.4 72 34761902.4 97 46832007.4
23 11104496.6 48 23174601.6 73 35244706.6 98 47314811.6
24 11587300.8 49 23657405.8 74 35727510.8 99 47797615.8
25 12070105 50 24140210 75 36210315 100 48280420

  • lea
    US League (4,828.042 meters)
    A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries. In U.S. linear measure, one league (Symbol: U.S. st. leag.) is equal to 15,840 feet (or three miles).
  • cm
    Centimeter (0.01 meters)
    A centimetre (international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; symbol cm) or centimeter (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one hundredth of a metre, centi being the SI prefix for a factor of 1 / 100.
Tags US Leagues to Centimeters lea to cm US Leagues lea Centimeters cm converter calculator conversion table