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US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Yards calculator

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US pt dry

US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Yards formula

yd3 = US pt dry1388.5849277435161

Cubic Yards to US Pints (Dry) formula

US pt dry = yd3×1388.5849277435161

US Pints (Dry)
US Pints (Dry)

Blueberries labelled in English (1 US DRY PINT) and French (1 CHOPINE SÈCHE US 551 ml) for sale in the US and Canada.

Source: Wikipedia

Cubic Yards
Cubic Yards

An easy way to answer “How much is a cubic yard?” is to compare it to common items you’ve seen and used. The most popular example of this is equating cubic yards to pickup trucks. In this case, the typical full-size truck bed can hold between 2-3 cubic yards of material. That means a 10 cubic yard dumpster can hold at least three pickup truck loads. 20 cubic yard dumpster – Equivalent to about six pickup truck loads. 30 cubic yard dumpster – Roughly equivalent to nine pickup trucks of debris. 40 cubic yard dumpster – Can hold about 12 pickup trucks of materials.

Source: SpectrumBend

US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Yards Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Yards conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

US pt dry yd3 US pt dry yd3 US pt dry yd3 US pt dry yd3
1 0.00072015760795058 26 0.018724097806715 51 0.03672803800548 76 0.054731978204244
2 0.0014403152159012 27 0.019444255414666 52 0.03744819561343 77 0.055452135812195
3 0.0021604728238517 28 0.020164413022616 53 0.038168353221381 78 0.056172293420145
4 0.0028806304318023 29 0.020884570630567 54 0.038888510829331 79 0.056892451028096
5 0.0036007880397529 30 0.021604728238517 55 0.039608668437282 80 0.057612608636046
6 0.0043209456477035 31 0.022324885846468 56 0.040328826045232 81 0.058332766243997
7 0.0050411032556541 32 0.023045043454419 57 0.041048983653183 82 0.059052923851948
8 0.0057612608636046 33 0.023765201062369 58 0.041769141261134 83 0.059773081459898
9 0.0064814184715552 34 0.02448535867032 59 0.042489298869084 84 0.060493239067849
10 0.0072015760795058 35 0.02520551627827 60 0.043209456477035 85 0.061213396675799
11 0.0079217336874564 36 0.025925673886221 61 0.043929614084985 86 0.06193355428375
12 0.008641891295407 37 0.026645831494171 62 0.044649771692936 87 0.0626537118917
13 0.0093620489033575 38 0.027365989102122 63 0.045369929300887 88 0.063373869499651
14 0.010082206511308 39 0.028086146710073 64 0.046090086908837 89 0.064094027107602
15 0.010802364119259 40 0.028806304318023 65 0.046810244516788 90 0.064814184715552
16 0.011522521727209 41 0.029526461925974 66 0.047530402124738 91 0.065534342323503
17 0.01224267933516 42 0.030246619533924 67 0.048250559732689 92 0.066254499931453
18 0.01296283694311 43 0.030966777141875 68 0.048970717340639 93 0.066974657539404
19 0.013682994551061 44 0.031686934749826 69 0.04969087494859 94 0.067694815147355
20 0.014403152159012 45 0.032407092357776 70 0.050411032556541 95 0.068414972755305
21 0.015123309766962 46 0.033127249965727 71 0.051131190164491 96 0.069135130363256
22 0.015843467374913 47 0.033847407573677 72 0.051851347772442 97 0.069855287971206
23 0.016563624982863 48 0.034567565181628 73 0.052571505380392 98 0.070575445579157
24 0.017283782590814 49 0.035287722789578 74 0.053291662988343 99 0.071295603187107
25 0.018003940198765 50 0.036007880397529 75 0.054011820596294 100 0.072015760795058

  • yd3
    Cubic Yard (764.5549L)
    A cubic yard (symbol yd³) is an Imperial / U.S. customary (non-SI non-metric) unit of volume, used in the United States, Canada, and the UK. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 1 yard (3 feet, 36 inches, 0.9144 meters) in length.
  • US pt dry
    US Pint (Dry) (0.5506105L)
    The pint (symbol pt, sometimes abbreviated as "p") is a unit of volume or capacity in both the imperial and United States customary measurement systems. In both of those systems it is traditionally one-eighth of a gallon. The British imperial pint is about 20% larger than the American pint because the two systems are defined differently. Almost all other countries have standardized on the metric system, so the size of what may be called a pint varies depending on local custom. In the United States, the dry pint is one-eighth of a dry gallon.
Tags US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Yards US pt dry to yd3 US Pints (Dry) US pt dry Cubic Yards yd3 converter calculator conversion table


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Cubic Yards to US Pints (Dry)
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