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US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid) calculator

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How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

US qt dry
US gal lqd

US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid) formula

US gal lqd = US qt dry3.437468021290369

US Gallons (Liquid) to US Quarts (Dry) formula

US qt dry = US gal lqd×3.437468021290369

US Quarts (Dry)
US Quarts (Dry)

1 Quart Jug Replacement Desiccant Blue Indicating Silica Gel Bead.


US Gallons (Liquid)
US Gallons (Liquid)

A one-US-gallon gas can showing "U.S. gallon" marking (for US use), imperial gallons (for Canadian use) and litres.

Source: Wikipedia

US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

US qt dry US gal lqd US qt dry US gal lqd US qt dry US gal lqd US qt dry US gal lqd
1 0.29091179723168 26 7.5637067280236 51 14.836501658816 76 22.109296589608
2 0.58182359446336 27 7.8546185252553 52 15.127413456047 77 22.400208386839
3 0.87273539169503 28 8.145530322487 53 15.418325253279 78 22.691120184071
4 1.1636471889267 29 8.4364421197187 54 15.709237050511 79 22.982031981303
5 1.4545589861584 30 8.7273539169503 55 16.000148847742 80 23.272943778534
6 1.7454707833901 31 9.018265714182 56 16.291060644974 81 23.563855575766
7 2.0363825806217 32 9.3091775114137 57 16.581972442206 82 23.854767372998
8 2.3272943778534 33 9.6000893086454 58 16.872884239437 83 24.145679170229
9 2.6182061750851 34 9.891001105877 59 17.163796036669 84 24.436590967461
10 2.9091179723168 35 10.181912903109 60 17.454707833901 85 24.727502764693
11 3.2000297695485 36 10.47282470034 61 17.745619631132 86 25.018414561924
12 3.4909415667801 37 10.763736497572 62 18.036531428364 87 25.309326359156
13 3.7818533640118 38 11.054648294804 63 18.327443225596 88 25.600238156388
14 4.0727651612435 39 11.345560092035 64 18.618355022827 89 25.891149953619
15 4.3636769584752 40 11.636471889267 65 18.909266820059 90 26.182061750851
16 4.6545887557068 41 11.927383686499 66 19.200178617291 91 26.472973548083
17 4.9455005529385 42 12.21829548373 67 19.491090414522 92 26.763885345314
18 5.2364123501702 43 12.509207280962 68 19.782002211754 93 27.054797142546
19 5.5273241474019 44 12.800119078194 69 20.072914008986 94 27.345708939778
20 5.8182359446336 45 13.091030875425 70 20.363825806217 95 27.636620737009
21 6.1091477418652 46 13.381942672657 71 20.654737603449 96 27.927532534241
22 6.4000595390969 47 13.672854469889 72 20.945649400681 97 28.218444331473
23 6.6909713363286 48 13.963766267121 73 21.236561197912 98 28.509356128704
24 6.9818831335603 49 14.254678064352 74 21.527472995144 99 28.800267925936
25 7.2727949307919 50 14.545589861584 75 21.818384792376 100 29.091179723168

  • US gal lqd
    US Gallon (Liquid) (3.785412L)
    The US gallon is legally defined as 231 cubic inches, which is exactly 3.785411784 litres. A US liquid gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds or 3.78 kilograms at 62 °F (17 °C), making it about 16.6% lighter than the imperial gallon. There are four quarts in a gallon, two pints in a quart and 16 US fluid ounces in a US pint, which makes the US fluid ounce equal to 1/128 of a US gallon. In order to overcome the effects of expansion and contraction with temperature when using a gallon to specify a quantity of material for purposes of trade, it is common to define the temperature at which the material will occupy the specified volume. For example, the volume of petroleum products and alcoholic beverages are both referenced to 60 °F (15.6 °C) in government regulations.
  • US qt dry
    US Quart (Dry) (1.101221L)
    In the United States, the dry quart is equal to 1/4 of a US dry gallon, exactly 1.101220942715 liters.
Tags US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid) US qt dry to US gal lqd US Quarts (Dry) US qt dry US Gallons (Liquid) US gal lqd converter calculator conversion table


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US Quarts (Dry) to US Barrels (Liquid)
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US Quarts (Dry) to UK Gallons
US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Dry)
US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid)
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Quarts
US Quarts (Dry) to Liters
US Quarts (Dry) to US Quarts (Liquid)
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Pints
US Quarts (Dry) to US Pints (Dry)
US Quarts (Dry) to US Pints (Liquid)
US Quarts (Dry) to Metric Cups
US Quarts (Dry) to US Cups
US Quarts (Dry) to Canadian Cups
US Quarts (Dry) to Gills (UK)
US Quarts (Dry) to US Gills
US Quarts (Dry) to US Fluid Ounces
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Fluid Ounces
US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Inches
US Quarts (Dry) to US Tablespoons
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Tablespoons
US Quarts (Dry) to Centiliters
US Quarts (Dry) to Metric Teaspoons
US Quarts (Dry) to US Teaspoons
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Teaspoons
US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Centimeters
US Quarts (Dry) to Milliliters
US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Millimeters
US Quarts (Dry) to Microliters
US Gallons (Liquid) to Cubic meters
US Gallons (Liquid) to Cubic Yards
US Gallons (Liquid) to UK Barrels
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Barrels (Oil)
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Barrels (Liquid)
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Barrels (Dry)
US Gallons (Liquid) to Cubic Feet
US Gallons (Liquid) to UK Gallons
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Gallons (Dry)
US Gallons (Liquid) to UK Quarts
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Quarts (Dry)
US Gallons (Liquid) to Liters
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Quarts (Liquid)
US Gallons (Liquid) to UK Pints
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Pints (Dry)
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Pints (Liquid)
US Gallons (Liquid) to Metric Cups
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Cups
US Gallons (Liquid) to Canadian Cups
US Gallons (Liquid) to Gills (UK)
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Gills
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Fluid Ounces
US Gallons (Liquid) to UK Fluid Ounces
US Gallons (Liquid) to Cubic Inches
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Tablespoons
US Gallons (Liquid) to UK Tablespoons
US Gallons (Liquid) to Centiliters
US Gallons (Liquid) to Metric Teaspoons
US Gallons (Liquid) to US Teaspoons
US Gallons (Liquid) to UK Teaspoons
US Gallons (Liquid) to Cubic Centimeters
US Gallons (Liquid) to Milliliters
US Gallons (Liquid) to Cubic Millimeters
US Gallons (Liquid) to Microliters