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US Quarts (Liquid) to Cubic Yards calculator

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How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


US Quarts (Liquid) to Cubic Yards formula

yd3 = qt807.855939576902

Cubic Yards to US Quarts (Liquid) formula

qt = yd3×807.855939576902

US Quarts (Liquid)
US Quarts (Liquid)

Bottle of 4.23 US Quarts / 4 Litres of Engine Oil.

Source: O2W

Cubic Yards
Cubic Yards

An easy way to answer “How much is a cubic yard?” is to compare it to common items you’ve seen and used. The most popular example of this is equating cubic yards to pickup trucks. In this case, the typical full-size truck bed can hold between 2-3 cubic yards of material. That means a 10 cubic yard dumpster can hold at least three pickup truck loads. 20 cubic yard dumpster – Equivalent to about six pickup truck loads. 30 cubic yard dumpster – Roughly equivalent to nine pickup trucks of debris. 40 cubic yard dumpster – Can hold about 12 pickup trucks of materials.

Source: SpectrumBend

US Quarts (Liquid) to Cubic Yards Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the US Quarts (Liquid) to Cubic Yards conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

qt yd3 qt yd3 qt yd3 qt yd3
1 0.0012378444608871 26 0.032183955983064 51 0.063130067505241 76 0.094076179027418
2 0.0024756889217742 27 0.033421800443951 52 0.064367911966128 77 0.095314023488306
3 0.0037135333826613 28 0.034659644904838 53 0.065605756427016 78 0.096551867949193
4 0.0049513778435483 29 0.035897489365725 54 0.066843600887903 79 0.09778971241008
5 0.0061892223044354 30 0.037135333826613 55 0.06808144534879 80 0.099027556870967
6 0.0074270667653225 31 0.0383731782875 56 0.069319289809677 81 0.10026540133185
7 0.0086649112262096 32 0.039611022748387 57 0.070557134270564 82 0.10150324579274
8 0.0099027556870967 33 0.040848867209274 58 0.071794978731451 83 0.10274109025363
9 0.011140600147984 34 0.042086711670161 59 0.073032823192338 84 0.10397893471452
10 0.012378444608871 35 0.043324556131048 60 0.074270667653225 85 0.1052167791754
11 0.013616289069758 36 0.044562400591935 61 0.075508512114112 86 0.10645462363629
12 0.014854133530645 37 0.045800245052822 62 0.076746356574999 87 0.10769246809718
13 0.016091977991532 38 0.047038089513709 63 0.077984201035886 88 0.10893031255806
14 0.017329822452419 39 0.048275933974596 64 0.079222045496773 89 0.11016815701895
15 0.018567666913306 40 0.049513778435483 65 0.080459889957661 90 0.11140600147984
16 0.019805511374193 41 0.05075162289637 66 0.081697734418548 91 0.11264384594072
17 0.02104335583508 42 0.051989467357258 67 0.082935578879435 92 0.11388169040161
18 0.022281200295968 43 0.053227311818145 68 0.084173423340322 93 0.1151195348625
19 0.023519044756855 44 0.054465156279032 69 0.085411267801209 94 0.11635737932339
20 0.024756889217742 45 0.055703000739919 70 0.086649112262096 95 0.11759522378427
21 0.025994733678629 46 0.056940845200806 71 0.087886956722983 96 0.11883306824516
22 0.027232578139516 47 0.058178689661693 72 0.08912480118387 97 0.12007091270605
23 0.028470422600403 48 0.05941653412258 73 0.090362645644757 98 0.12130875716693
24 0.02970826706129 49 0.060654378583467 74 0.091600490105644 99 0.12254660162782
25 0.030946111522177 50 0.061892223044354 75 0.092838334566531 100 0.12378444608871

  • yd3
    Cubic Yard (764.5549L)
    A cubic yard (symbol yd³) is an Imperial / U.S. customary (non-SI non-metric) unit of volume, used in the United States, Canada, and the UK. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 1 yard (3 feet, 36 inches, 0.9144 meters) in length.
  • qt
    US Quart (Liquid) (0.9463530L)
    In the United States, all traditional length and volume measures have been legally standardized for commerce by the international yard and pound agreement of 1959 using the definition of 1 yard being exactly equal to 0.9144 meter. From this definition is derived the metric equivalencies for inches, feet, and miles; as well as area measures; and measures of volume. The US liquid quart equals 57.75 cubic inches, which is exactly equal to 0.946352946 liters.
Tags US Quarts (Liquid) to Cubic Yards qt to yd3 US Quarts (Liquid) qt Cubic Yards yd3 converter calculator conversion table


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Cubic Yards to US Quarts (Liquid)
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Cubic Yards to US Pints (Liquid)
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