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Imperial Tons to Long Hundredweights (UK) calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Imperial Tons to Long Hundredweights (UK)? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units LT and cwt long.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

cwt long

Imperial Tons to Long Hundredweights (UK) formula

cwt long = LT×20

Long Hundredweights (UK) to Imperial Tons formula

LT = cwt long20

Imperial Tons
Imperial Tons

Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.

Source: Wikipedia

Long Hundredweights (UK)
Long Hundredweights (UK)

Hundredweight (cwt) used in a road sign in Ilkley, Yorkshire.

Source: Wikipedia

Imperial Tons to Long Hundredweights (UK) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Imperial Tons to Long Hundredweights (UK) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

LT cwt long LT cwt long LT cwt long LT cwt long
1 20.000002141634 26 520.00005568247 51 1020.0001092233 76 1520.0001627642
2 40.000004283267 27 540.00005782411 52 1040.0001113649 77 1540.0001649058
3 60.000006424901 28 560.00005996574 53 1060.0001135066 78 1560.0001670474
4 80.000008566535 29 580.00006210738 54 1080.0001156482 79 1580.0001691891
5 100.00001070817 30 600.00006424901 55 1100.0001177898 80 1600.0001713307
6 120.0000128498 31 620.00006639064 56 1120.0001199315 81 1620.0001734723
7 140.00001499144 32 640.00006853228 57 1140.0001220731 82 1640.000175614
8 160.00001713307 33 660.00007067391 58 1160.0001242148 83 1660.0001777556
9 180.0000192747 34 680.00007281554 59 1180.0001263564 84 1680.0001798972
10 200.00002141634 35 700.00007495718 60 1200.000128498 85 1700.0001820389
11 220.00002355797 36 720.00007709881 61 1220.0001306397 86 1720.0001841805
12 240.0000256996 37 740.00007924044 62 1240.0001327813 87 1740.0001863221
13 260.00002784124 38 760.00008138208 63 1260.0001349229 88 1760.0001884638
14 280.00002998287 39 780.00008352371 64 1280.0001370646 89 1780.0001906054
15 300.0000321245 40 800.00008566535 65 1300.0001392062 90 1800.000192747
16 320.00003426614 41 820.00008780698 66 1320.0001413478 91 1820.0001948887
17 340.00003640777 42 840.00008994861 67 1340.0001434895 92 1840.0001970303
18 360.00003854941 43 860.00009209025 68 1360.0001456311 93 1860.0001991719
19 380.00004069104 44 880.00009423188 69 1380.0001477727 94 1880.0002013136
20 400.00004283267 45 900.00009637351 70 1400.0001499144 95 1900.0002034552
21 420.00004497431 46 920.00009851515 71 1420.000152056 96 1920.0002055968
22 440.00004711594 47 940.00010065678 72 1440.0001541976 97 1940.0002077385
23 460.00004925757 48 960.00010279841 73 1460.0001563393 98 1960.0002098801
24 480.00005139921 49 980.00010494005 74 1480.0001584809 99 1980.0002120217
25 500.00005354084 50 1000.0001070817 75 1500.0001606225 100 2000.0002141634

  • LT
    Imperial Ton (1,016,046.90 grams)
    Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.
  • cwt long
    Long Hundredweight (50,802.34 grams)
    The hundredweight (abbreviation: cwt), formerly also known as the centum weight or quintal, is an English, imperial, and US customary unit of weight or mass of various values. Its present value continues to differ between the American and imperial systems. The two values are distinguished in American English as the "short" and "long" hundredweight and in British English as the "cental" and the "imperial hundredweight". The long or imperial hundredweight of 8 stone (112 lb or 50.802345 kg) is in informal use in the imperial system but its use for trade in the UK was ended by Schedule 1, Part VI of the Weights and Measures Act 1985.
Tags Imperial Tons to Long Hundredweights (UK) LT to cwt long Imperial Tons LT Long Hundredweights (UK) cwt long converter calculator conversion table