Sixth Circles to Milliradians calculator

test long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

1/6 circle

Sixth Circles to Milliradians formula

Milliradians to Sixth Circles formula

Sixth Circles
Sixth Circles

A circle divided into 6 equal parts (sixth circles).

Source: Wikipedia


The PSO-1 reticle in a Dragunov sniper rifle has 10 horizontal lines with 1-mil spacing, which can be used to compensate for wind drift, impact correction or range estimation.

Source: Wikipedia

Sixth Circles to Milliradians Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Sixth Circles to Milliradians conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

1/6 circle mil 1/6 circle mil 1/6 circle mil 1/6 circle mil
1 1047.1975511966 26 27227.136331112 51 53407.075111026 76 79587.013890941
2 2094.3951023932 27 28274.333882308 52 54454.272662223 77 80634.211442138
3 3141.5926535898 28 29321.531433505 53 55501.47021342 78 81681.408993335
4 4188.7902047864 29 30368.728984701 54 56548.667764616 79 82728.606544531
5 5235.987755983 30 31415.926535898 55 57595.865315813 80 83775.804095728
6 6283.1853071796 31 32463.124087095 56 58643.062867009 81 84823.001646924
7 7330.3828583762 32 33510.321638291 57 59690.260418206 82 85870.199198121
8 8377.5804095728 33 34557.519189488 58 60737.457969403 83 86917.396749318
9 9424.7779607694 34 35604.716740684 59 61784.655520599 84 87964.594300514
10 10471.975511966 35 36651.914291881 60 62831.853071796 85 89011.791851711
11 11519.173063163 36 37699.111843078 61 63879.050622992 86 90058.989402907
12 12566.370614359 37 38746.309394274 62 64926.248174189 87 91106.186954104
13 13613.568165556 38 39793.506945471 63 65973.445725386 88 92153.384505301
14 14660.765716752 39 40840.704496667 64 67020.643276582 89 93200.582056497
15 15707.963267949 40 41887.902047864 65 68067.840827779 90 94247.779607694
16 16755.160819146 41 42935.099599061 66 69115.038378975 91 95294.97715889
17 17802.358370342 42 43982.297150257 67 70162.235930172 92 96342.174710087
18 18849.555921539 43 45029.494701454 68 71209.433481369 93 97389.372261284
19 19896.753472735 44 46076.69225265 69 72256.631032565 94 98436.56981248
20 20943.951023932 45 47123.889803847 70 73303.828583762 95 99483.767363677
21 21991.148575129 46 48171.087355043 71 74351.026134958 96 100530.96491487
22 23038.346126325 47 49218.28490624 72 75398.223686155 97 101578.16246607
23 24085.543677522 48 50265.482457437 73 76445.421237352 98 102625.36001727
24 25132.741228718 49 51312.680008633 74 77492.618788548 99 103672.55756846
25 26179.938779915 50 52359.87755983 75 78539.816339745 100 104719.75511966

  • Sixth Circle (60°)
    A circular sector or circle sector (symbol: ⌔), is the portion of a disk enclosed by two radii and an arc, where the smaller area is known as the minor sector and the larger being the major sector. In the diagram, θ is the central angle in radians, r the radius of the circle, and L is the arc length of the minor sector. A sixth circle sector is equal to 60°.
  • Milliradian (0.0563°)
    A milliradian, often called a mil or mrad, is an SI derived unit for angular measurement which is defined as a thousandth of a radian (0.001 radian). Mils are used in adjustment of firearm sights by adjusting the angle of the sight compared to the barrel (up, down, left or right). Mils are also used for comparing shot groupings, or to compare the difficulty of hitting different sized shooting targets at different distances. When using a scope with both mil adjustment and a reticle with mil markings (called a mil/mil scope), the shooter can use the reticle as a "ruler" to count the number of mils a shot was off target which directly translates to the sight adjustment needed to hit the target with a follow up shot. Optics with mil markings in the reticle can also be used to make a range estimation of a known size target, or vice versa to determine a target size if the distance is known, a practice called "milling".
Tags Sixth Circles to Milliradians 1/6 circle to mil Sixth Circles 1/6 circle Milliradians mil converter calculator conversion table