Megawatthours to Liter atmospheres calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Megawatthours to Liter atmospheres? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units MWh and l-atm.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Megawatthours to Liter atmospheres formula

Liter atmospheres to Megawatthours formula

Megawatthours to Liter atmospheres Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Megawatthours to Liter atmospheres conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

MWh l-atm MWh l-atm MWh l-atm MWh l-atm
1 35529237.601776 26 923760177.64619 51 1811991117.6906 76 2700222057.735
2 71058475.203553 27 959289415.24796 52 1847520355.2924 77 2735751295.3368
3 106587712.80533 28 994818652.84974 53 1883049592.8942 78 2771280532.9386
4 142116950.40711 29 1030347890.4515 54 1918578830.4959 79 2806809770.5403
5 177646188.00888 30 1065877128.0533 55 1954108068.0977 80 2842339008.1421
6 213175425.61066 31 1101406365.6551 56 1989637305.6995 81 2877868245.7439
7 248704663.21244 32 1136935603.2568 57 2025166543.3013 82 2913397483.3457
8 284233900.81421 33 1172464840.8586 58 2060695780.903 83 2948926720.9474
9 319763138.41599 34 1207994078.4604 59 2096225018.5048 84 2984455958.5492
10 355292376.01776 35 1243523316.0622 60 2131754256.1066 85 3019985196.151
11 390821613.61954 36 1279052553.664 61 2167283493.7084 86 3055514433.7528
12 426350851.22132 37 1314581791.2657 62 2202812731.3101 87 3091043671.3546
13 461880088.82309 38 1350111028.8675 63 2238341968.9119 88 3126572908.9563
14 497409326.42487 39 1385640266.4693 64 2273871206.5137 89 3162102146.5581
15 532938564.02665 40 1421169504.0711 65 2309400444.1155 90 3197631384.1599
16 568467801.62842 41 1456698741.6728 66 2344929681.7172 91 3233160621.7617
17 603997039.2302 42 1492227979.2746 67 2380458919.319 92 3268689859.3634
18 639526276.83198 43 1527757216.8764 68 2415988156.9208 93 3304219096.9652
19 675055514.43375 44 1563286454.4782 69 2451517394.5226 94 3339748334.567
20 710584752.03553 45 1598815692.0799 70 2487046632.1244 95 3375277572.1688
21 746113989.63731 46 1634344929.6817 71 2522575869.7261 96 3410806809.7705
22 781643227.23908 47 1669874167.2835 72 2558105107.3279 97 3446336047.3723
23 817172464.84086 48 1705403404.8853 73 2593634344.9297 98 3481865284.9741
24 852701702.44264 49 1740932642.487 74 2629163582.5315 99 3517394522.5759
25 888230940.04441 50 1776461880.0888 75 2664692820.1332 100 3552923760.1776

  • Megawatthour (3,600,000,000 J)
    The megawatt hour (symbol MWh) is a unit of energy equal to 3,600 megajoules. If energy is transmitted or used at a constant rate (power) over a period of time, the total energy in megawatt hours is equal to the power in megawatt multiplied by the time in hours.
  • Liter atmosphere (101.325 J)
    A unit of energy equal to the work done on a piston by a fluid at a pressure of 1 standard atmosphere (101,325 pascals) when the piston sweeps out a volume of 1 liter; equal to 101.325 joules.
Tags Megawatthours to Liter atmospheres MWh to l-atm Megawatthours MWh Liter atmospheres l-atm converter calculator conversion table


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Megawatthours to Kilojoules
Megawatthours to Liter atmospheres
Megawatthours to Calories (15°C)
Megawatthours to Calories (I.T.)
Megawatthours to Calories (Thermochemical)
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Megawatthours to Millijoules
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Megawatthours to Picojoules
Megawatthours to Megaelectronvolts
Megawatthours to Femtojoules
Megawatthours to Hartrees
Megawatthours to Electronvolts
Liter atmospheres to Q units
Liter atmospheres to Quads
Liter atmospheres to Exajoules
Liter atmospheres to Terawatthours
Liter atmospheres to Petajoules
Liter atmospheres to Gigawatt hours
Liter atmospheres to Terajoules
Liter atmospheres to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Liter atmospheres to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Liter atmospheres to Tons (explosive)
Liter atmospheres to Megawatthours
Liter atmospheres to Dekatherms
Liter atmospheres to Gigajoules
Liter atmospheres to Therms
Liter atmospheres to Thermies
Liter atmospheres to Kilowatt hours
Liter atmospheres to Horsepower hours
Liter atmospheres to Megajoules
Liter atmospheres to Calories (Nutritional)
Liter atmospheres to Kilogram calories
Liter atmospheres to Watthours
Liter atmospheres to Btus
Liter atmospheres to Kilojoules
Liter atmospheres to Calories (15°C)
Liter atmospheres to Calories (I.T.)
Liter atmospheres to Calories (Thermochemical)
Liter atmospheres to Gram calories
Liter atmospheres to Foot pounds
Liter atmospheres to Joules
Liter atmospheres to Newton meters
Liter atmospheres to Wattseconds
Liter atmospheres to Inch pounds
Liter atmospheres to Inch ounces
Liter atmospheres to Millijoules
Liter atmospheres to Microjoules
Liter atmospheres to Teraelectronvolts
Liter atmospheres to Ergs
Liter atmospheres to Nanojoules
Liter atmospheres to Picojoules
Liter atmospheres to Megaelectronvolts
Liter atmospheres to Femtojoules
Liter atmospheres to Hartrees
Liter atmospheres to Electronvolts