Therms to Terajoules calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Therms to Terajoules? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units thm and TJ.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Therms to Terajoules formula

Terajoules to Therms formula

Therms to Terajoules Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Therms to Terajoules conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

thm TJ thm TJ thm TJ thm TJ
1 0.0001055056 26 0.0027431456 51 0.0053807856 76 0.0080184256
2 0.0002110112 27 0.0028486512 52 0.0054862912 77 0.0081239312
3 0.0003165168 28 0.0029541568 53 0.0055917968 78 0.0082294368
4 0.0004220224 29 0.0030596624 54 0.0056973024 79 0.0083349424
5 0.000527528 30 0.003165168 55 0.005802808 80 0.008440448
6 0.0006330336 31 0.0032706736 56 0.0059083136 81 0.0085459536
7 0.0007385392 32 0.0033761792 57 0.0060138192 82 0.0086514592
8 0.0008440448 33 0.0034816848 58 0.0061193248 83 0.0087569648
9 0.0009495504 34 0.0035871904 59 0.0062248304 84 0.0088624704
10 0.001055056 35 0.003692696 60 0.006330336 85 0.008967976
11 0.0011605616 36 0.0037982016 61 0.0064358416 86 0.0090734816
12 0.0012660672 37 0.0039037072 62 0.0065413472 87 0.0091789872
13 0.0013715728 38 0.0040092128 63 0.0066468528 88 0.0092844928
14 0.0014770784 39 0.0041147184 64 0.0067523584 89 0.0093899984
15 0.001582584 40 0.004220224 65 0.006857864 90 0.009495504
16 0.0016880896 41 0.0043257296 66 0.0069633696 91 0.0096010096
17 0.0017935952 42 0.0044312352 67 0.0070688752 92 0.0097065152
18 0.0018991008 43 0.0045367408 68 0.0071743808 93 0.0098120208
19 0.0020046064 44 0.0046422464 69 0.0072798864 94 0.0099175264
20 0.002110112 45 0.004747752 70 0.007385392 95 0.010023032
21 0.0022156176 46 0.0048532576 71 0.0074908976 96 0.0101285376
22 0.0023211232 47 0.0049587632 72 0.0075964032 97 0.0102340432
23 0.0024266288 48 0.0050642688 73 0.0077019088 98 0.0103395488
24 0.0025321344 49 0.0051697744 74 0.0078074144 99 0.0104450544
25 0.00263764 50 0.00527528 75 0.00791292 100 0.01055056

  • Terajoule (1,000,000,000,000 J)
    The terajoule (TJ) is equal to one trillion (10¹²) joules; or about 0.278 GWh (which is often used in energy tables). About 63 TJ of energy was released by the atomic bomb that exploded over Hiroshima. The International Space Station, with a mass of approximately 450 megagrams and orbital velocity of 7.7 km/s, has a kinetic energy of roughly 13 TJ. In 2017 Hurricane Irma was estimated to have a peak wind energy of 112 TJ.
  • Therm (105,505,600 J)
    Not to be confused with Thermies unit. The therm (symbol, thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (Btu). It is approximately the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet (2.83 cubic metres) – often referred to as 1 CCF – of natural gas. Since natural gas meters measure volume and not energy content, a therm factor is used by natural gas companies to convert the volume of gas used to its heat equivalent, and thus calculate the actual energy use. The therm factor is usually expressed in units of therms per CCF. It will vary with the mix of hydrocarbons in the natural gas. Natural gas with a higher than average concentration of ethane, propane or butane will have a higher therm factor. Impurities, such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen, lower the therm factor. One therm is equal to about 105.5 megajoules, 25200 kilocalories, or 29.3 kilowatt-hours. One therm can also be provided by about 96.7 cubic feet (2.74 m3) of natural gas. The therm sometimes has been confused with the thermie. The names of both units come from the Greek word for heat.
Tags Therms to Terajoules thm to TJ Therms thm Terajoules TJ converter calculator conversion table


Therms to Q units
Therms to Quads
Therms to Exajoules
Therms to Terawatthours
Therms to Petajoules
Therms to Gigawatt hours
Therms to Terajoules
Therms to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Therms to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Therms to Tons (explosive)
Therms to Megawatthours
Therms to Dekatherms
Therms to Gigajoules
Therms to Thermies
Therms to Kilowatt hours
Therms to Horsepower hours
Therms to Megajoules
Therms to Calories (Nutritional)
Therms to Kilogram calories
Therms to Watthours
Therms to Btus
Therms to Kilojoules
Therms to Liter atmospheres
Therms to Calories (15°C)
Therms to Calories (I.T.)
Therms to Calories (Thermochemical)
Therms to Gram calories
Therms to Foot pounds
Therms to Joules
Therms to Newton meters
Therms to Wattseconds
Therms to Inch pounds
Therms to Inch ounces
Therms to Millijoules
Therms to Microjoules
Therms to Teraelectronvolts
Therms to Ergs
Therms to Nanojoules
Therms to Picojoules
Therms to Megaelectronvolts
Therms to Femtojoules
Therms to Hartrees
Therms to Electronvolts
Terajoules to Q units
Terajoules to Quads
Terajoules to Exajoules
Terajoules to Terawatthours
Terajoules to Petajoules
Terajoules to Gigawatt hours
Terajoules to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Terajoules to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Terajoules to Tons (explosive)
Terajoules to Megawatthours
Terajoules to Dekatherms
Terajoules to Gigajoules
Terajoules to Therms
Terajoules to Thermies
Terajoules to Kilowatt hours
Terajoules to Horsepower hours
Terajoules to Megajoules
Terajoules to Calories (Nutritional)
Terajoules to Kilogram calories
Terajoules to Watthours
Terajoules to Btus
Terajoules to Kilojoules
Terajoules to Liter atmospheres
Terajoules to Calories (15°C)
Terajoules to Calories (I.T.)
Terajoules to Calories (Thermochemical)
Terajoules to Gram calories
Terajoules to Foot pounds
Terajoules to Joules
Terajoules to Newton meters
Terajoules to Wattseconds
Terajoules to Inch pounds
Terajoules to Inch ounces
Terajoules to Millijoules
Terajoules to Microjoules
Terajoules to Teraelectronvolts
Terajoules to Ergs
Terajoules to Nanojoules
Terajoules to Picojoules
Terajoules to Megaelectronvolts
Terajoules to Femtojoules
Terajoules to Hartrees
Terajoules to Electronvolts