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Yards to US Nautical Leagues calculator

tedt long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Yards to US Nautical Leagues formula

nl = yd6076.1156

US Nautical Leagues to Yards formula

yd = nl×6076.1156


Humps for 325 yards road sign - Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK.

Source: Wikipedia

US Nautical Leagues
US Nautical Leagues

The chart you are viewing is a NGA standard nautical chart. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has partnered with OceanGrafix to provide commercial and recreational mariners with a good source of nautical chart coverage for international waters.

Source: American Nautical Services

Yards to US Nautical Leagues Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Yards to US Nautical Leagues conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

yd nl yd nl yd nl yd nl
1 0.0001645788336933 26 0.0042790496760259 51 0.0083935205183585 76 0.012507991360691
2 0.00032915766738661 27 0.0044436285097192 52 0.0085580993520518 77 0.012672570194384
3 0.00049373650107991 28 0.0046082073434125 53 0.0087226781857451 78 0.012837149028078
4 0.00065831533477322 29 0.0047727861771058 54 0.0088872570194384 79 0.013001727861771
5 0.00082289416846652 30 0.0049373650107991 55 0.0090518358531317 80 0.013166306695464
6 0.00098747300215983 31 0.0051019438444924 56 0.0092164146868251 81 0.013330885529158
7 0.0011520518358531 32 0.0052665226781857 57 0.0093809935205184 82 0.013495464362851
8 0.0013166306695464 33 0.005431101511879 58 0.0095455723542117 83 0.013660043196544
9 0.0014812095032397 34 0.0055956803455724 59 0.009710151187905 84 0.013824622030238
10 0.001645788336933 35 0.0057602591792657 60 0.0098747300215983 85 0.013989200863931
11 0.0018103671706263 36 0.005924838012959 61 0.010039308855292 86 0.014153779697624
12 0.0019749460043197 37 0.0060894168466523 62 0.010203887688985 87 0.014318358531317
13 0.002139524838013 38 0.0062539956803456 63 0.010368466522678 88 0.014482937365011
14 0.0023041036717063 39 0.0064185745140389 64 0.010533045356371 89 0.014647516198704
15 0.0024686825053996 40 0.0065831533477322 65 0.010697624190065 90 0.014812095032397
16 0.0026332613390929 41 0.0067477321814255 66 0.010862203023758 91 0.014976673866091
17 0.0027978401727862 42 0.0069123110151188 67 0.011026781857451 92 0.015141252699784
18 0.0029624190064795 43 0.0070768898488121 68 0.011191360691145 93 0.015305831533477
19 0.0031269978401728 44 0.0072414686825054 69 0.011355939524838 94 0.015470410367171
20 0.0032915766738661 45 0.0074060475161987 70 0.011520518358531 95 0.015634989200864
21 0.0034561555075594 46 0.007570626349892 71 0.011685097192225 96 0.015799568034557
22 0.0036207343412527 47 0.0077352051835853 72 0.011849676025918 97 0.015964146868251
23 0.003785313174946 48 0.0078997840172786 73 0.012014254859611 98 0.016128725701944
24 0.0039498920086393 49 0.0080643628509719 74 0.012178833693305 99 0.016293304535637
25 0.0041144708423326 50 0.0082289416846652 75 0.012343412526998 100 0.01645788336933

  • nl
    US Nautical League (5,556 meters)
    A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries. On land, the league is most commonly defined as three miles, though the length of a mile could vary from place to place and depending on the era. At sea, a league is three nautical miles (3.452 miles; 5.556 kilometres).
  • yd
    Yard (0.9144 meters)
    The yard (abbreviation: yd) is an English unit of length, in both the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement, that comprises 3 feet or 36 inches. It is by international agreement in 1959 standardized as exactly 0.9144 meters. A metal yardstick originally formed the physical standard from which all other units of length were officially derived in both English systems.
Tags Yards to US Nautical Leagues yd to nl Yards yd US Nautical Leagues nl converter calculator conversion table