Yards to Furlongs calculator

tedt long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Yards to Furlongs formula

Furlongs to Yards formula


Humps for 325 yards road sign - Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK.

Source: Wikipedia


Ten furlong marker at the Newmarket Race.

Source: Wikipedia

Yards to Furlongs Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Yards to Furlongs conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

yd fur yd fur yd fur yd fur
1 0.0045454455073461 26 0.118181583191 51 0.23181772087465 76 0.3454538585583
2 0.0090908910146922 27 0.12272702869834 52 0.236363166382 77 0.34999930406565
3 0.013636336522038 28 0.12727247420569 53 0.24090861188934 78 0.35454474957299
4 0.018181782029384 29 0.13181791971304 54 0.24545405739669 79 0.35909019508034
5 0.02272722753673 30 0.13636336522038 55 0.24999950290403 80 0.36363564058769
6 0.027272673044077 31 0.14090881072773 56 0.25454494841138 81 0.36818108609503
7 0.031818118551423 32 0.14545425623507 57 0.25909039391873 82 0.37272653160238
8 0.036363564058769 33 0.14999970174242 58 0.26363583942607 83 0.37727197710972
9 0.040909009566115 34 0.15454514724977 59 0.26818128493342 84 0.38181742261707
10 0.045454455073461 35 0.15909059275711 60 0.27272673044077 85 0.38636286812442
11 0.049999900580807 36 0.16363603826446 61 0.27727217594811 86 0.39090831363176
12 0.054545346088153 37 0.16818148377181 62 0.28181762145546 87 0.39545375913911
13 0.059090791595499 38 0.17272692927915 63 0.2863630669628 88 0.39999920464646
14 0.063636237102845 39 0.1772723747865 64 0.29090851247015 89 0.4045446501538
15 0.068181682610191 40 0.18181782029384 65 0.2954539579775 90 0.40909009566115
16 0.072727128117537 41 0.18636326580119 66 0.29999940348484 91 0.41363554116849
17 0.077272573624883 42 0.19090871130854 67 0.30454484899219 92 0.41818098667584
18 0.08181801913223 43 0.19545415681588 68 0.30909029449953 93 0.42272643218319
19 0.086363464639576 44 0.19999960232323 69 0.31363574000688 94 0.42727187769053
20 0.090908910146922 45 0.20454504783057 70 0.31818118551423 95 0.43181732319788
21 0.095454355654268 46 0.20909049333792 71 0.32272663102157 96 0.43636276870522
22 0.099999801161614 47 0.21363593884527 72 0.32727207652892 97 0.44090821421257
23 0.10454524666896 48 0.21818138435261 73 0.33181752203626 98 0.44545365971992
24 0.10909069217631 49 0.22272682985996 74 0.33636296754361 99 0.44999910522726
25 0.11363613768365 50 0.2272722753673 75 0.34090841305096 100 0.45454455073461

  • Furlongs (201.16.84 meters)
    A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to one eighth of a mile, equivalent to 660 feet, 220 yards, 40 rods, or 10 chains. Using the international definition of the inch as exactly 25.4 millimetres, one furlong is 201.168 metres. However, the United States does not uniformly use this conversion ratio. Older ratios are in use for surveying purposes in some states, leading to variations in the length of the furlong of two parts per million, or about 0.4 millimetres (1⁄64 inch). This variation is too small to have practical consequences in most applications. Five furlongs are about 1.0 kilometre (1.00584 km is the exact value, according to the international conversion).
  • Yard (0.9144 meters)
    The yard (abbreviation: yd) is an English unit of length, in both the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement, that comprises 3 feet or 36 inches. It is by international agreement in 1959 standardized as exactly 0.9144 meters. A metal yardstick originally formed the physical standard from which all other units of length were officially derived in both English systems.
Tags Yards to Furlongs yd to fur Yards yd Furlongs fur converter calculator conversion table