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Metric Teaspoons to Gills (UK) calculator

test long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

metric tsp
UK gill

Metric Teaspoons to Gills (UK) formula

UK gill = metric tsp28.413059999999998

Gills (UK) to Metric Teaspoons formula

metric tsp = UK gill×28.413059999999998

Metric Teaspoons
Metric Teaspoons

Metric Measuring Spoons. 15 ml, 7.5 ml, 5 ml, 2.5 ml, 1.25 ml, 0.63 ml.

Source: Amazon.com

Gills (UK)
Gills (UK)

Imperial Gill Brass Measure. Used to measure a gill of spirits served within an ale house or inn. This was a standard measure. When this was made pewter tankards were still widely used in the trade and they were not of a standard volume. Such measures often have several verification marks if they had not been tampered with over long periods.

Source: Scottish Antiques

Metric Teaspoons to Gills (UK) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Metric Teaspoons to Gills (UK) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

metric tsp UK gill metric tsp UK gill metric tsp UK gill metric tsp UK gill
1 0.035195082824588 26 0.9150721534393 51 1.794949224054 76 2.6748262946687
2 0.070390165649177 27 0.95026723626389 52 1.8301443068786 77 2.7100213774933
3 0.10558524847377 28 0.98546231908848 53 1.8653393897032 78 2.7452164603179
4 0.14078033129835 29 1.0206574019131 54 1.9005344725278 79 2.7804115431425
5 0.17597541412294 30 1.0558524847377 55 1.9357295553524 80 2.8156066259671
6 0.21117049694753 31 1.0910475675622 56 1.970924638177 81 2.8508017087917
7 0.24636557977212 32 1.1262426503868 57 2.0061197210015 82 2.8859967916162
8 0.28156066259671 33 1.1614377332114 58 2.0413148038261 83 2.9211918744408
9 0.3167557454213 34 1.196632816036 59 2.0765098866507 84 2.9563869572654
10 0.35195082824588 35 1.2318278988606 60 2.1117049694753 85 2.99158204009
11 0.38714591107047 36 1.2670229816852 61 2.1469000522999 86 3.0267771229146
12 0.42234099389506 37 1.3022180645098 62 2.1820951351245 87 3.0619722057392
13 0.45753607671965 38 1.3374131473344 63 2.2172902179491 88 3.0971672885638
14 0.49273115954424 39 1.3726082301589 64 2.2524853007737 89 3.1323623713884
15 0.52792624236883 40 1.4078033129835 65 2.2876803835982 90 3.167557454213
16 0.56312132519341 41 1.4429983958081 66 2.3228754664228 91 3.2027525370375
17 0.598316408018 42 1.4781934786327 67 2.3580705492474 92 3.2379476198621
18 0.63351149084259 43 1.5133885614573 68 2.393265632072 93 3.2731427026867
19 0.66870657366718 44 1.5485836442819 69 2.4284607148966 94 3.3083377855113
20 0.70390165649177 45 1.5837787271065 70 2.4636557977212 95 3.3435328683359
21 0.73909673931636 46 1.6189738099311 71 2.4988508805458 96 3.3787279511605
22 0.77429182214094 47 1.6541688927557 72 2.5340459633704 97 3.4139230339851
23 0.80948690496553 48 1.6893639755802 73 2.569241046195 98 3.4491181168097
24 0.84468198779012 49 1.7245590584048 74 2.6044361290195 99 3.4843131996343
25 0.87987707061471 50 1.7597541412294 75 2.6396312118441 100 3.5195082824588

  • UK gill
    Gill (UK) (0.1420653L)
    The gill or teacup is a unit of measurement for volume equal to a quarter of a pint. It is no longer in common use, except in regard to the volume of alcoholic spirits measures. 1 imperial gill equals to 5 imperial fluid ounces, 1⁄32 imperial gallon, 1⁄4 imperial pint, ≈ 142 ml, ≈ 1.2 US gills
  • metric tsp
    Metric Teaspoon (0.005L)
    The metric teaspoon as a unit of culinary measure is 5 mL, equal to 5 cm3; that is, 1⁄3 UK/Canadian metric tablespoon, or 1⁄4 Australian metric tablespoon.
Tags Metric Teaspoons to Gills (UK) metric tsp to UK gill Metric Teaspoons metric tsp Gills (UK) UK gill converter calculator conversion table


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Metric Teaspoons to Gills (UK)
Metric Teaspoons to US Gills
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Metric Teaspoons to US Teaspoons
Metric Teaspoons to UK Teaspoons
Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Centimeters
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Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Millimeters
Metric Teaspoons to Microliters
Gills (UK) to Cubic meters
Gills (UK) to Cubic Yards
Gills (UK) to UK Barrels
Gills (UK) to US Barrels (Oil)
Gills (UK) to US Barrels (Liquid)
Gills (UK) to US Barrels (Dry)
Gills (UK) to Cubic Feet
Gills (UK) to UK Gallons
Gills (UK) to US Gallons (Dry)
Gills (UK) to US Gallons (Liquid)
Gills (UK) to UK Quarts
Gills (UK) to US Quarts (Dry)
Gills (UK) to Liters
Gills (UK) to US Quarts (Liquid)
Gills (UK) to UK Pints
Gills (UK) to US Pints (Dry)
Gills (UK) to US Pints (Liquid)
Gills (UK) to Metric Cups
Gills (UK) to US Cups
Gills (UK) to Canadian Cups
Gills (UK) to US Gills
Gills (UK) to US Fluid Ounces
Gills (UK) to UK Fluid Ounces
Gills (UK) to Cubic Inches
Gills (UK) to US Tablespoons
Gills (UK) to UK Tablespoons
Gills (UK) to Centiliters
Gills (UK) to Metric Teaspoons
Gills (UK) to US Teaspoons
Gills (UK) to UK Teaspoons
Gills (UK) to Cubic Centimeters
Gills (UK) to Milliliters
Gills (UK) to Cubic Millimeters
Gills (UK) to Microliters