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Metric Teaspoons to Milliliters calculator

test long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

metric tsp

Metric Teaspoons to Milliliters formula

mL = metric tsp×5

Milliliters to Metric Teaspoons formula

metric tsp = mL5

Metric Teaspoons
Metric Teaspoons

Metric Measuring Spoons. 15 ml, 7.5 ml, 5 ml, 2.5 ml, 1.25 ml, 0.63 ml.

Source: Amazon.com


Empty Amber Bottle Glass Essential Oil Liquid Aromatherapy Set.

Source: Ebay

Metric Teaspoons to Milliliters Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Metric Teaspoons to Milliliters conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

metric tsp mL metric tsp mL metric tsp mL metric tsp mL
1 5 26 130 51 255 76 380
2 10 27 135 52 260 77 385
3 15 28 140 53 265 78 390
4 20 29 145 54 270 79 395
5 25 30 150 55 275 80 400
6 30 31 155 56 280 81 405
7 35 32 160 57 285 82 410
8 40 33 165 58 290 83 415
9 45 34 170 59 295 84 420
10 50 35 175 60 300 85 425
11 55 36 180 61 305 86 430
12 60 37 185 62 310 87 435
13 65 38 190 63 315 88 440
14 70 39 195 64 320 89 445
15 75 40 200 65 325 90 450
16 80 41 205 66 330 91 455
17 85 42 210 67 335 92 460
18 90 43 215 68 340 93 465
19 95 44 220 69 345 94 470
20 100 45 225 70 350 95 475
21 105 46 230 71 355 96 480
22 110 47 235 72 360 97 485
23 115 48 240 73 365 98 490
24 120 49 245 74 370 99 495
25 125 50 250 75 375 100 500

  • metric tsp
    Metric Teaspoon (0.005L)
    The metric teaspoon as a unit of culinary measure is 5 mL, equal to 5 cm3; that is, 1⁄3 UK/Canadian metric tablespoon, or 1⁄4 Australian metric tablespoon.
  • mL
    Milliliter (0.001L)
    1/1000 of a litre.
Tags Metric Teaspoons to Milliliters metric tsp to mL Metric Teaspoons metric tsp Milliliters mL converter calculator conversion table


Metric Teaspoons to Cubic meters
Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Yards
Metric Teaspoons to UK Barrels
Metric Teaspoons to US Barrels (Oil)
Metric Teaspoons to US Barrels (Liquid)
Metric Teaspoons to US Barrels (Dry)
Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Feet
Metric Teaspoons to UK Gallons
Metric Teaspoons to US Gallons (Dry)
Metric Teaspoons to US Gallons (Liquid)
Metric Teaspoons to UK Quarts
Metric Teaspoons to US Quarts (Dry)
Metric Teaspoons to Liters
Metric Teaspoons to US Quarts (Liquid)
Metric Teaspoons to UK Pints
Metric Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry)
Metric Teaspoons to US Pints (Liquid)
Metric Teaspoons to Metric Cups
Metric Teaspoons to US Cups
Metric Teaspoons to Canadian Cups
Metric Teaspoons to Gills (UK)
Metric Teaspoons to US Gills
Metric Teaspoons to US Fluid Ounces
Metric Teaspoons to UK Fluid Ounces
Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Inches
Metric Teaspoons to US Tablespoons
Metric Teaspoons to UK Tablespoons
Metric Teaspoons to Centiliters
Metric Teaspoons to US Teaspoons
Metric Teaspoons to UK Teaspoons
Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Centimeters
Metric Teaspoons to Milliliters
Metric Teaspoons to Cubic Millimeters
Metric Teaspoons to Microliters
Milliliters to Cubic meters
Milliliters to Cubic Yards
Milliliters to UK Barrels
Milliliters to US Barrels (Oil)
Milliliters to US Barrels (Liquid)
Milliliters to US Barrels (Dry)
Milliliters to Cubic Feet
Milliliters to UK Gallons
Milliliters to US Gallons (Dry)
Milliliters to US Gallons (Liquid)
Milliliters to UK Quarts
Milliliters to US Quarts (Dry)
Milliliters to Liters
Milliliters to US Quarts (Liquid)
Milliliters to UK Pints
Milliliters to US Pints (Dry)
Milliliters to US Pints (Liquid)
Milliliters to Metric Cups
Milliliters to US Cups
Milliliters to Canadian Cups
Milliliters to Gills (UK)
Milliliters to US Gills
Milliliters to US Fluid Ounces
Milliliters to UK Fluid Ounces
Milliliters to Cubic Inches
Milliliters to US Tablespoons
Milliliters to UK Tablespoons
Milliliters to Centiliters
Milliliters to Metric Teaspoons
Milliliters to US Teaspoons
Milliliters to UK Teaspoons
Milliliters to Cubic Centimeters
Milliliters to Cubic Millimeters
Milliliters to Microliters