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UK Pints to Cubic Feet calculator

test long

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UK Pints to Cubic Feet formula

ft3 = pt49.827286134084105

Cubic Feet to UK Pints formula

pt = ft3×49.827286134084105

UK Pints
UK Pints

Four hands holding pints of beer.

Source: Daily Mirror

Cubic Feet
Cubic Feet

How many ping pong balls can fit in a cubic foot? It turns out about 475.

Source: Pascals Puppy

UK Pints to Cubic Feet Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the UK Pints to Cubic Feet conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

pt ft3 pt ft3 pt ft3 pt ft3
1 0.02006932501419 26 0.52180245036895 51 1.0235355757237 76 1.5252687010785
2 0.040138650028381 27 0.54187177538314 52 1.0436049007379 77 1.5453380260927
3 0.060207975042571 28 0.56194110039733 53 1.0636742257521 78 1.5654073511069
4 0.080277300056762 29 0.58201042541152 54 1.0837435507663 79 1.585476676121
5 0.10034662507095 30 0.60207975042571 55 1.1038128757805 80 1.6055460011352
6 0.12041595008514 31 0.6221490754399 56 1.1238822007947 81 1.6256153261494
7 0.14048527509933 32 0.64221840045409 57 1.1439515258089 82 1.6456846511636
8 0.16055460011352 33 0.66228772546829 58 1.164020850823 83 1.6657539761778
9 0.18062392512771 34 0.68235705048248 59 1.1840901758372 84 1.685823301192
10 0.2006932501419 35 0.70242637549667 60 1.2041595008514 85 1.7058926262062
11 0.2207625751561 36 0.72249570051086 61 1.2242288258656 86 1.7259619512204
12 0.24083190017029 37 0.74256502552505 62 1.2442981508798 87 1.7460312762346
13 0.26090122518448 38 0.76263435053924 63 1.264367475894 88 1.7661006012488
14 0.28097055019867 39 0.78270367555343 64 1.2844368009082 89 1.786169926263
15 0.30103987521286 40 0.80277300056762 65 1.3045061259224 90 1.8062392512771
16 0.32110920022705 41 0.82284232558181 66 1.3245754509366 91 1.8263085762913
17 0.34117852524124 42 0.842911650596 67 1.3446447759508 92 1.8463779013055
18 0.36124785025543 43 0.86298097561019 68 1.364714100965 93 1.8664472263197
19 0.38131717526962 44 0.88305030062438 69 1.3847834259791 94 1.8865165513339
20 0.40138650028381 45 0.90311962563857 70 1.4048527509933 95 1.9065858763481
21 0.421455825298 46 0.92318895065276 71 1.4249220760075 96 1.9266552013623
22 0.44152515031219 47 0.94325827566695 72 1.4449914010217 97 1.9467245263765
23 0.46159447532638 48 0.96332760068114 73 1.4650607260359 98 1.9667938513907
24 0.48166380034057 49 0.98339692569533 74 1.4851300510501 99 1.9868631764049
25 0.50173312535476 50 1.0034662507095 75 1.5051993760643 100 2.006932501419

  • ft3
    Cubic Foot (28.31685L)
    The cubic foot (symbol ft³) is an imperial and US customary (non-metric) unit of volume, used in the United States, and partially in Canada, and the United Kingdom. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of one foot (0.3048 m) in length. Its volume is 28.3168 liters or about 1⁄35 of a cubic meter. At 60 °F (16 °C), a cubic foot of water weighs 62.36630 pounds (28.28888 kg).
  • pt
    UK Pint (0.5682612L)
    The pint (symbol pt sometimes abbreviated as "p") is a unit of volume or capacity in both the imperial and United States customary measurement systems. In both of those systems it is traditionally one-eighth of a gallon. The British imperial pint is about 20% larger than the American pint because the two systems are defined differently. Almost all other countries have standardized on the metric system, so the size of what may be called a pint varies depending on local custom.
Tags UK Pints to Cubic Feet pt to ft3 UK Pints pt Cubic Feet ft3 converter calculator conversion table


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Cubic Feet to UK Pints
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