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UK Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) calculator

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How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

UK tsp
US pt dry

UK Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) formula

US pt dry = UK tsp152.94444444444443

US Pints (Dry) to UK Teaspoons formula

UK tsp = US pt dry×152.94444444444443

UK Teaspoons
UK Teaspoons

A tablespoon (in the UK and South Africa) is accepted to mean 15ml of powder or liquid, while a teaspoon clocks in at 5ml. It would be difficult to argue this to be anything other than the truth.

Source: YuppieChef

US Pints (Dry)
US Pints (Dry)

Blueberries labelled in English (1 US DRY PINT) and French (1 CHOPINE SÈCHE US 551 ml) for sale in the US and Canada.

Source: Wikipedia

UK Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the UK Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

UK tsp US pt dry UK tsp US pt dry UK tsp US pt dry UK tsp US pt dry
1 0.0065383218307301 26 0.16999636759898 51 0.33345441336724 76 0.49691245913549
2 0.01307664366146 27 0.17653468942971 52 0.33999273519797 77 0.50345078096622
3 0.01961496549219 28 0.18307301126044 53 0.3465310570287 78 0.50998910279695
4 0.02615328732292 29 0.18961133309117 54 0.35306937885943 79 0.51652742462768
5 0.032691609153651 30 0.1961496549219 55 0.35960770069016 80 0.52306574645841
6 0.039229930984381 31 0.20268797675263 56 0.36614602252089 81 0.52960406828914
7 0.045768252815111 32 0.20922629858336 57 0.37268434435162 82 0.53614239011987
8 0.052306574645841 33 0.21576462041409 58 0.37922266618235 83 0.5426807119506
9 0.058844896476571 34 0.22230294224482 59 0.38576098801308 84 0.54921903378133
10 0.065383218307301 35 0.22884126407555 60 0.39229930984381 85 0.55575735561206
11 0.071921540138031 36 0.23537958590628 61 0.39883763167454 86 0.56229567744279
12 0.078459861968761 37 0.24191790773701 62 0.40537595350527 87 0.56883399927352
13 0.084998183799491 38 0.24845622956774 63 0.411914275336 88 0.57537232110425
14 0.091536505630222 39 0.25499455139847 64 0.41845259716673 89 0.58191064293498
15 0.098074827460952 40 0.2615328732292 65 0.42499091899746 90 0.58844896476571
16 0.10461314929168 41 0.26807119505993 66 0.43152924082819 91 0.59498728659644
17 0.11115147112241 42 0.27460951689066 67 0.43806756265892 92 0.60152560842717
18 0.11768979295314 43 0.28114783872139 68 0.44460588448965 93 0.6080639302579
19 0.12422811478387 44 0.28768616055212 69 0.45114420632038 94 0.61460225208863
20 0.1307664366146 45 0.29422448238286 70 0.45768252815111 95 0.62114057391936
21 0.13730475844533 46 0.30076280421359 71 0.46422084998184 96 0.62767889575009
22 0.14384308027606 47 0.30730112604432 72 0.47075917181257 97 0.63421721758082
23 0.15038140210679 48 0.31383944787505 73 0.4772974936433 98 0.64075553941155
24 0.15691972393752 49 0.32037776970578 74 0.48383581547403 99 0.64729386124228
25 0.16345804576825 50 0.32691609153651 75 0.49037413730476 100 0.65383218307301

  • US pt dry
    US Pint (Dry) (0.5506105L)
    The pint (symbol pt, sometimes abbreviated as "p") is a unit of volume or capacity in both the imperial and United States customary measurement systems. In both of those systems it is traditionally one-eighth of a gallon. The British imperial pint is about 20% larger than the American pint because the two systems are defined differently. Almost all other countries have standardized on the metric system, so the size of what may be called a pint varies depending on local custom. In the United States, the dry pint is one-eighth of a dry gallon.
  • UK tsp
    UK Teaspoon (0.003551641L)
    A teaspoon is an item of cutlery, a measuring instrument, of approximately 5ml, or a unit of measurement of volume (usually abbreviated tsp.).
Tags UK Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) UK tsp to US pt dry UK Teaspoons UK tsp US Pints (Dry) US pt dry converter calculator conversion table


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UK Teaspoons to US Gallons (Dry)
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UK Teaspoons to UK Pints
UK Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry)
UK Teaspoons to US Pints (Liquid)
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UK Teaspoons to UK Tablespoons
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UK Teaspoons to Metric Teaspoons
UK Teaspoons to US Teaspoons
UK Teaspoons to Cubic Centimeters
UK Teaspoons to Milliliters
UK Teaspoons to Cubic Millimeters
UK Teaspoons to Microliters
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic meters
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Yards
US Pints (Dry) to UK Barrels
US Pints (Dry) to US Barrels (Oil)
US Pints (Dry) to US Barrels (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to US Barrels (Dry)
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Feet
US Pints (Dry) to UK Gallons
US Pints (Dry) to US Gallons (Dry)
US Pints (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to UK Quarts
US Pints (Dry) to US Quarts (Dry)
US Pints (Dry) to Liters
US Pints (Dry) to US Quarts (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to UK Pints
US Pints (Dry) to US Pints (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to Metric Cups
US Pints (Dry) to US Cups
US Pints (Dry) to Canadian Cups
US Pints (Dry) to Gills (UK)
US Pints (Dry) to US Gills
US Pints (Dry) to US Fluid Ounces
US Pints (Dry) to UK Fluid Ounces
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Inches
US Pints (Dry) to US Tablespoons
US Pints (Dry) to UK Tablespoons
US Pints (Dry) to Centiliters
US Pints (Dry) to Metric Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to US Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to UK Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Centimeters
US Pints (Dry) to Milliliters
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Millimeters
US Pints (Dry) to Microliters