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US Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) calculator

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How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

US tsp
US pt dry

US Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) formula

US pt dry = US tsp112.36734693877553

US Pints (Dry) to US Teaspoons formula

US tsp = US pt dry×112.36734693877553

US Teaspoons
US Teaspoons

Measuring spoons, with the second largest one representing the volume of a teaspoon.

Source: Wikipedia

US Pints (Dry)
US Pints (Dry)

Blueberries labelled in English (1 US DRY PINT) and French (1 CHOPINE SÈCHE US 551 ml) for sale in the US and Canada.

Source: Wikipedia

US Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the US Teaspoons to US Pints (Dry) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

US tsp US pt dry US tsp US pt dry US tsp US pt dry US tsp US pt dry
1 0.0088993824918271 26 0.2313839447875 51 0.45386850708318 76 0.67635306937886
2 0.017798764983654 27 0.24028332727933 52 0.46276788957501 77 0.68525245187069
3 0.026698147475481 28 0.24918270977116 53 0.47166727206684 78 0.69415183436251
4 0.035597529967308 29 0.25808209226299 54 0.48056665455866 79 0.70305121685434
5 0.044496912459135 30 0.26698147475481 55 0.48946603705049 80 0.71195059934617
6 0.053396294950963 31 0.27588085724664 56 0.49836541954232 81 0.72084998183799
7 0.06229567744279 32 0.28478023973847 57 0.50726480203414 82 0.72974936432982
8 0.071195059934617 33 0.29367962223029 58 0.51616418452597 83 0.73864874682165
9 0.080094442426444 34 0.30257900472212 59 0.5250635670178 84 0.74754812931348
10 0.088993824918271 35 0.31147838721395 60 0.53396294950963 85 0.7564475118053
11 0.097893207410098 36 0.32037776970578 61 0.54286233200145 86 0.76534689429713
12 0.10679258990193 37 0.3292771521976 62 0.55176171449328 87 0.77424627678896
13 0.11569197239375 38 0.33817653468943 63 0.56066109698511 88 0.78314565928078
14 0.12459135488558 39 0.34707591718126 64 0.56956047947693 89 0.79204504177261
15 0.13349073737741 40 0.35597529967308 65 0.57845986196876 90 0.80094442426444
16 0.14239011986923 41 0.36487468216491 66 0.58735924446059 91 0.80984380675627
17 0.15128950236106 42 0.37377406465674 67 0.59625862695242 92 0.81874318924809
18 0.16018888485289 43 0.38267344714857 68 0.60515800944424 93 0.82764257173992
19 0.16908826734471 44 0.39157282964039 69 0.61405739193607 94 0.83654195423175
20 0.17798764983654 45 0.40047221213222 70 0.6229567744279 95 0.84544133672357
21 0.18688703232837 46 0.40937159462405 71 0.63185615691972 96 0.8543407192154
22 0.1957864148202 47 0.41827097711587 72 0.64075553941155 97 0.86324010170723
23 0.20468579731202 48 0.4271703596077 73 0.64965492190338 98 0.87213948419906
24 0.21358517980385 49 0.43606974209953 74 0.65855430439521 99 0.88103886669088
25 0.22248456229568 50 0.44496912459135 75 0.66745368688703 100 0.88993824918271

  • US pt dry
    US Pint (Dry) (0.5506105L)
    The pint (symbol pt, sometimes abbreviated as "p") is a unit of volume or capacity in both the imperial and United States customary measurement systems. In both of those systems it is traditionally one-eighth of a gallon. The British imperial pint is about 20% larger than the American pint because the two systems are defined differently. Almost all other countries have standardized on the metric system, so the size of what may be called a pint varies depending on local custom. In the United States, the dry pint is one-eighth of a dry gallon.
  • US tsp
    US Teaspoon (0.004928922L)
    A teaspoon is an item of cutlery, a measuring instrument, of approximately 5ml, or a unit of measurement of volume (usually abbreviated tsp.). In the United States one teaspoon as a unit of culinary measure is 1⁄3 tablespoon, that is, exactly 4.92892159375 mL; it is exactly 1 1⁄3 US fluid drams, 1⁄6 US fl oz, 1⁄48 US cup, and 1⁄768 US liquid gallon and 77⁄256 or 0.30078125 cubic inches. For nutritional labeling and medicine in the US, the teaspoon is defined as precisely 5 milliliters (mL), the same as a metric teaspoon (below). Common cutlery teaspoons are not designed to contain a standard volume. In practice, they may hold anything between 2.5 mL and 6 mL of liquid, so such spoons are not suitable for precise measurements, in particular for medicine. Measuring spoons should be used instead; medicine dose measuring spoons (5 mL) should be used for medicine.
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US Pints (Dry) to Cubic meters
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US Pints (Dry) to UK Gallons
US Pints (Dry) to US Gallons (Dry)
US Pints (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to UK Quarts
US Pints (Dry) to US Quarts (Dry)
US Pints (Dry) to Liters
US Pints (Dry) to US Quarts (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to UK Pints
US Pints (Dry) to US Pints (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to Metric Cups
US Pints (Dry) to US Cups
US Pints (Dry) to Canadian Cups
US Pints (Dry) to Gills (UK)
US Pints (Dry) to US Gills
US Pints (Dry) to US Fluid Ounces
US Pints (Dry) to UK Fluid Ounces
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Inches
US Pints (Dry) to US Tablespoons
US Pints (Dry) to UK Tablespoons
US Pints (Dry) to Centiliters
US Pints (Dry) to Metric Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to US Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to UK Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Centimeters
US Pints (Dry) to Milliliters
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Millimeters
US Pints (Dry) to Microliters