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Kilograms to Stones calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Kilograms to Stones? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units kg and st.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Kilograms to Stones formula

st = kg6.350291

Stones to Kilograms formula

kg = st×6.350291


A replica of the prototype kilogram on display at Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, featuring the protective double glass bell.

Source: Wikipedia


A depiction of a medieval German scale weighing bales of wool according to the local stone.

Source: Wikipedia

Kilograms to Stones Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Kilograms to Stones conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

kg st kg st kg st kg st
1 0.15747312327469 26 4.0943012051418 51 8.0311292870089 76 11.967957368876
2 0.31494624654937 27 4.2517743284165 52 8.1886024102836 77 12.125430492151
3 0.47241936982406 28 4.4092474516912 53 8.3460755335583 78 12.282903615425
4 0.62989249309874 29 4.5667205749659 54 8.503548656833 79 12.4403767387
5 0.78736561637343 30 4.7241936982406 55 8.6610217801077 80 12.597849861975
6 0.94483873964811 31 4.8816668215152 56 8.8184949033824 81 12.755322985249
7 1.1023118629228 32 5.0391399447899 57 8.975968026657 82 12.912796108524
8 1.2597849861975 33 5.1966130680646 58 9.1334411499317 83 13.070269231799
9 1.4172581094722 34 5.3540861913393 59 9.2909142732064 84 13.227742355074
10 1.5747312327469 35 5.511559314614 60 9.4483873964811 85 13.385215478348
11 1.7322043560215 36 5.6690324378887 61 9.6058605197558 86 13.542688601623
12 1.8896774792962 37 5.8265055611633 62 9.7633336430305 87 13.700161724898
13 2.0471506025709 38 5.983978684438 63 9.9208067663052 88 13.857634848172
14 2.2046237258456 39 6.1414518077127 64 10.07827988958 89 14.015107971447
15 2.3620968491203 40 6.2989249309874 65 10.235753012855 90 14.172581094722
16 2.519569972395 41 6.4563980542621 66 10.393226136129 91 14.330054217996
17 2.6770430956696 42 6.6138711775368 67 10.550699259404 92 14.487527341271
18 2.8345162189443 43 6.7713443008115 68 10.708172382679 93 14.645000464546
19 2.991989342219 44 6.9288174240861 69 10.865645505953 94 14.80247358782
20 3.1494624654937 45 7.0862905473608 70 11.023118629228 95 14.959946711095
21 3.3069355887684 46 7.2437636706355 71 11.180591752503 96 15.11741983437
22 3.4644087120431 47 7.4012367939102 72 11.338064875777 97 15.274892957644
23 3.6218818353178 48 7.5587099171849 73 11.495537999052 98 15.432366080919
24 3.7793549585924 49 7.7161830404596 74 11.653011122327 99 15.589839204194
25 3.9368280818671 50 7.8736561637343 75 11.810484245601 100 15.747312327469

  • st
    Stone (6,350.29 grams)
    The stone or stone weight (abbreviation: st.) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds (6.35029318 kg). England and other Germanic-speaking countries of northern Europe formerly used various standardised "stones" for trade, with their values ranging from about 5 to 40 local pounds (roughly 3 to 15 kg) depending on the location and objects weighed. The United Kingdom's imperial system adopted the wool stone of 14 pounds in 1835. With the advent of metrication, Europe's various "stones" were superseded by or adapted to the kilogram from the mid-19th century on. The stone continues in customary use in Britain and Ireland used for measuring body weight, but was prohibited for commercial use in the UK by the Weights and Measures Act of 1985.
  • kg
    Kilogram (1,000 grams)
    The kilogram or kilogramme (symbol: kg) is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI), and is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype of the Kilogram a cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy stored by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Saint-Cloud, France.
Tags Kilograms to Stones kg to st Kilograms kg Stones st converter calculator conversion table