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Kilograms to Imperial Tons calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Kilograms to Imperial Tons? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units kg and LT.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Kilograms to Imperial Tons formula

LT = kg1016.047

Imperial Tons to Kilograms formula

kg = LT×1016.047


A replica of the prototype kilogram on display at Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, featuring the protective double glass bell.

Source: Wikipedia

Imperial Tons
Imperial Tons

Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.

Source: Wikipedia

Kilograms to Imperial Tons Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Kilograms to Imperial Tons conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

kg LT kg LT kg LT kg LT
1 0.00098420652761106 26 0.025589369717888 51 0.050194532908164 76 0.074799696098441
2 0.0019684130552221 27 0.026573576245499 52 0.051178739435775 77 0.075783902626052
3 0.0029526195828332 28 0.02755778277311 53 0.052162945963386 78 0.076768109153663
4 0.0039368261104442 29 0.028541989300721 54 0.053147152490997 79 0.077752315681274
5 0.0049210326380553 30 0.029526195828332 55 0.054131359018608 80 0.078736522208885
6 0.0059052391656664 31 0.030510402355943 56 0.055115565546219 81 0.079720728736496
7 0.0068894456932774 32 0.031494608883554 57 0.05609977207383 82 0.080704935264107
8 0.0078736522208885 33 0.032478815411165 58 0.057083978601442 83 0.081689141791718
9 0.0088578587484995 34 0.033463021938776 59 0.058068185129053 84 0.082673348319329
10 0.0098420652761106 35 0.034447228466387 60 0.059052391656664 85 0.08365755484694
11 0.010826271803722 36 0.035431434993998 61 0.060036598184275 86 0.084641761374551
12 0.011810478331333 37 0.036415641521609 62 0.061020804711886 87 0.085625967902162
13 0.012794684858944 38 0.03739984804922 63 0.062005011239497 88 0.086610174429773
14 0.013778891386555 39 0.038384054576831 64 0.062989217767108 89 0.087594380957384
15 0.014763097914166 40 0.039368261104442 65 0.063973424294719 90 0.088578587484995
16 0.015747304441777 41 0.040352467632053 66 0.06495763082233 91 0.089562794012607
17 0.016731510969388 42 0.041336674159665 67 0.065941837349941 92 0.090547000540218
18 0.017715717496999 43 0.042320880687276 68 0.066926043877552 93 0.091531207067829
19 0.01869992402461 44 0.043305087214887 69 0.067910250405163 94 0.09251541359544
20 0.019684130552221 45 0.044289293742498 70 0.068894456932774 95 0.093499620123051
21 0.020668337079832 46 0.045273500270109 71 0.069878663460385 96 0.094483826650662
22 0.021652543607443 47 0.04625770679772 72 0.070862869987996 97 0.095468033178273
23 0.022636750135054 48 0.047241913325331 73 0.071847076515607 98 0.096452239705884
24 0.023620956662665 49 0.048226119852942 74 0.072831283043218 99 0.097436446233495
25 0.024605163190277 50 0.049210326380553 75 0.07381548957083 100 0.098420652761106

  • LT
    Imperial Ton (1,016,046.90 grams)
    Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.
  • kg
    Kilogram (1,000 grams)
    The kilogram or kilogramme (symbol: kg) is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI), and is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype of the Kilogram a cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy stored by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Saint-Cloud, France.
Tags Kilograms to Imperial Tons kg to LT Kilograms kg Imperial Tons LT converter calculator conversion table