Micrograms to Troy Ounces calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Micrograms to Troy Ounces? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units μg and oz t.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

oz t

Micrograms to Troy Ounces formula

Troy Ounces to Micrograms formula


In the metric system, a microgram or microgramme (μg; the recommended symbol in the United States when communicating medical information is mcg) is a unit of mass equal to one millionth (1×10−6) of a gram. The unit symbol is μg according to the International System of Units. In μg the prefix symbol for micro- is the Greek letter μ (Mu).

Source: Wikipedia

Troy Ounces
Troy Ounces

Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US).

Source: Wikipedia

Micrograms to Troy Ounces Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Micrograms to Troy Ounces conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

μg oz t μg oz t μg oz t μg oz t
1 3.2150746568628E-8 26 8.3591941078433E-7 51 1.639688075E-6 76 2.4434567392157E-6
2 6.4301493137256E-8 27 8.6807015735296E-7 52 1.6718388215687E-6 77 2.4756074857844E-6
3 9.6452239705884E-8 28 9.0022090392158E-7 53 1.7039895681373E-6 78 2.507758232353E-6
4 1.2860298627451E-7 29 9.3237165049021E-7 54 1.7361403147059E-6 79 2.5399089789216E-6
5 1.6075373284314E-7 30 9.6452239705884E-7 55 1.7682910612745E-6 80 2.5720597254902E-6
6 1.9290447941177E-7 31 9.9667314362747E-7 56 1.8004418078432E-6 81 2.6042104720589E-6
7 2.250552259804E-7 32 1.0288238901961E-6 57 1.8325925544118E-6 82 2.6363612186275E-6
8 2.5720597254902E-7 33 1.0609746367647E-6 58 1.8647433009804E-6 83 2.6685119651961E-6
9 2.8935671911765E-7 34 1.0931253833334E-6 59 1.8968940475491E-6 84 2.7006627117648E-6
10 3.2150746568628E-7 35 1.125276129902E-6 60 1.9290447941177E-6 85 2.7328134583334E-6
11 3.5365821225491E-7 36 1.1574268764706E-6 61 1.9611955406863E-6 86 2.764964204902E-6
12 3.8580895882354E-7 37 1.1895776230392E-6 62 1.9933462872549E-6 87 2.7971149514706E-6
13 4.1795970539216E-7 38 1.2217283696079E-6 63 2.0254970338236E-6 88 2.8292656980393E-6
14 4.5011045196079E-7 39 1.2538791161765E-6 64 2.0576477803922E-6 89 2.8614164446079E-6
15 4.8226119852942E-7 40 1.2860298627451E-6 65 2.0897985269608E-6 90 2.8935671911765E-6
16 5.1441194509805E-7 41 1.3181806093137E-6 66 2.1219492735294E-6 91 2.9257179377451E-6
17 5.4656269166668E-7 42 1.3503313558824E-6 67 2.1541000200981E-6 92 2.9578686843138E-6
18 5.787134382353E-7 43 1.382482102451E-6 68 2.1862507666667E-6 93 2.9900194308824E-6
19 6.1086418480393E-7 44 1.4146328490196E-6 69 2.2184015132353E-6 94 3.022170177451E-6
20 6.4301493137256E-7 45 1.4467835955883E-6 70 2.250552259804E-6 95 3.0543209240197E-6
21 6.7516567794119E-7 46 1.4789343421569E-6 71 2.2827030063726E-6 96 3.0864716705883E-6
22 7.0731642450982E-7 47 1.5110850887255E-6 72 2.3148537529412E-6 97 3.1186224171569E-6
23 7.3946717107844E-7 48 1.5432358352941E-6 73 2.3470044995098E-6 98 3.1507731637255E-6
24 7.7161791764707E-7 49 1.5753865818628E-6 74 2.3791552460785E-6 99 3.1829239102942E-6
25 8.037686642157E-7 50 1.6075373284314E-6 75 2.4113059926471E-6 100 3.2150746568628E-6

  • Troy Ounce (31.10 grams)
    Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US). There are only 12 troy ounces per troy pound, rather than the 16 ounces per pound found in the more common avoirdupois system. However, the avoirdupois pound has 7000 grains whereas the troy pound has only 5760 grains (i.e. 12 × 480 grains). Both systems use the same grain defined by the international yard and pound agreement of 1959 as 0.06479891 grams. Therefore, the troy ounce is 480 grains or 31.10 grams, compared with the avoirdupois ounce, which is 437.5 grains or 28.35 grams. The troy ounce, then, is about 10% heavier (ratio 192/175) than the avoirdupois ounce. Although troy ounces are still used to weigh gold, silver, and gemstones, troy weight is no longer used in most other applications. One troy ounce of gold is denoted with the ISO 4217 currency code XAU, while one troy ounce of silver is denoted as XAG.
  • Microgram (0.000001 grams)
    In the metric system, a microgram or microgramme (μg; the recommended symbol in the United States when communicating medical information is mcg) is a unit of mass equal to one millionth (1×10−6) of a gram. The unit symbol is μg according to the International System of Units. In μg the prefix symbol for micro- is the Greek letter μ (Mu).
Tags Micrograms to Troy Ounces μg to oz t Micrograms μg Troy Ounces oz t converter calculator conversion table