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Troy Ounces to Short Hundredweights (US) calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Troy Ounces to Short Hundredweights (US)? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units oz t and cwt short.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

oz t
cwt short

Troy Ounces to Short Hundredweights (US) formula

cwt short = oz t1458.334

Short Hundredweights (US) to Troy Ounces formula

oz t = cwt short×1458.334

Troy Ounces
Troy Ounces

Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US).

Source: Wikipedia

Short Hundredweights (US)
Short Hundredweights (US)

Hundredweight (cwt) used in a road sign in Ilkley, Yorkshire.

Source: Wikipedia

Troy Ounces to Short Hundredweights (US) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Troy Ounces to Short Hundredweights (US) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

oz t cwt short oz t cwt short oz t cwt short oz t cwt short
1 0.00068571424036205 26 0.017828570249413 51 0.034971426258465 76 0.052114282267516
2 0.0013714284807241 27 0.018514284489775 52 0.035657140498827 77 0.052799996507878
3 0.0020571427210862 28 0.019199998730137 53 0.036342854739189 78 0.05348571074824
4 0.0027428569614482 29 0.0198857129705 54 0.037028568979551 79 0.054171424988602
5 0.0034285712018103 30 0.020571427210862 55 0.037714283219913 80 0.054857139228964
6 0.0041142854421723 31 0.021257141451224 56 0.038399997460275 81 0.055542853469326
7 0.0047999996825344 32 0.021942855691586 57 0.039085711700637 82 0.056228567709688
8 0.0054857139228964 33 0.022628569931948 58 0.039771425940999 83 0.05691428195005
9 0.0061714281632585 34 0.02331428417231 59 0.040457140181361 84 0.057599996190412
10 0.0068571424036205 35 0.023999998412672 60 0.041142854421723 85 0.058285710430774
11 0.0075428566439826 36 0.024685712653034 61 0.041828568662085 86 0.058971424671136
12 0.0082285708843446 37 0.025371426893396 62 0.042514282902447 87 0.059657138911499
13 0.0089142851247067 38 0.026057141133758 63 0.043199997142809 88 0.060342853151861
14 0.0095999993650687 39 0.02674285537412 64 0.043885711383171 89 0.061028567392223
15 0.010285713605431 40 0.027428569614482 65 0.044571425623533 90 0.061714281632585
16 0.010971427845793 41 0.028114283854844 66 0.045257139863895 91 0.062399995872947
17 0.011657142086155 42 0.028799998095206 67 0.045942854104257 92 0.063085710113309
18 0.012342856326517 43 0.029485712335568 68 0.04662856834462 93 0.063771424353671
19 0.013028570566879 44 0.03017142657593 69 0.047314282584982 94 0.064457138594033
20 0.013714284807241 45 0.030857140816292 70 0.047999996825344 95 0.065142852834395
21 0.014399999047603 46 0.031542855056654 71 0.048685711065706 96 0.065828567074757
22 0.015085713287965 47 0.032228569297016 72 0.049371425306068 97 0.066514281315119
23 0.015771427528327 48 0.032914283537378 73 0.05005713954643 98 0.067199995555481
24 0.016457141768689 49 0.033599997777741 74 0.050742853786792 99 0.067885709795843
25 0.017142856009051 50 0.034285712018103 75 0.051428568027154 100 0.068571424036205

  • cwt short
    Short Hundredweight (45,359.24 grams)
    The hundredweight (abbreviation: cwt), formerly also known as the centum weight or quintal, is an English, imperial, and US customary unit of weight or mass of various values. Its present value continues to differ between the American and imperial systems. The two values are distinguished in American English as the "short" and "long" hundredweight and in British English as the "cental" and the "imperial hundredweight". The short hundredweight or cental of 100 lb (45.359237 kg) is used in the US and Canada.
  • oz t
    Troy Ounce (31.10 grams)
    Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US). There are only 12 troy ounces per troy pound, rather than the 16 ounces per pound found in the more common avoirdupois system. However, the avoirdupois pound has 7000 grains whereas the troy pound has only 5760 grains (i.e. 12 × 480 grains). Both systems use the same grain defined by the international yard and pound agreement of 1959 as 0.06479891 grams. Therefore, the troy ounce is 480 grains or 31.10 grams, compared with the avoirdupois ounce, which is 437.5 grains or 28.35 grams. The troy ounce, then, is about 10% heavier (ratio 192/175) than the avoirdupois ounce. Although troy ounces are still used to weigh gold, silver, and gemstones, troy weight is no longer used in most other applications. One troy ounce of gold is denoted with the ISO 4217 currency code XAU, while one troy ounce of silver is denoted as XAG.
Tags Troy Ounces to Short Hundredweights (US) oz t to cwt short Troy Ounces oz t Short Hundredweights (US) cwt short converter calculator conversion table