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Ounces to Pennyweights calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Ounces to Pennyweights? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units oz and dwt.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Ounces to Pennyweights formula

dwt = oz×18.22916

Pennyweights to Ounces formula

oz = dwt18.22916


An example of a 2 fl oz shot glass in British Imperial fluid ounces.

Source: Wikipedia


A pennyweight (abbreviated dwt, from denarius weight) is a unit of mass that is equal to 24 grains, 1⁄20 of a troy ounce, 1⁄240 of a troy pound, approximately 0.054857 avoirdupois ounce and exactly 1.55517384 grams.

Source: Wikipedia

Ounces to Pennyweights Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Ounces to Pennyweights conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

oz dwt oz dwt oz dwt oz dwt
1 18.229164791207 26 473.95828457137 51 929.68740435154 76 1385.4165241317
2 36.458329582413 27 492.18744936258 52 947.91656914275 77 1403.6456889229
3 54.68749437362 28 510.41661415379 53 966.14573393395 78 1421.8748537141
4 72.916659164827 29 528.64577894499 54 984.37489872516 79 1440.1040185053
5 91.145823956033 30 546.8749437362 55 1002.6040635164 80 1458.3331832965
6 109.37498874724 31 565.10410852741 56 1020.8332283076 81 1476.5623480877
7 127.60415353845 32 583.33327331861 57 1039.0623930988 82 1494.7915128789
8 145.83331832965 33 601.56243810982 58 1057.29155789 83 1513.0206776702
9 164.06248312086 34 619.79160290103 59 1075.5207226812 84 1531.2498424614
10 182.29164791207 35 638.02076769223 60 1093.7498874724 85 1549.4790072526
11 200.52081270327 36 656.24993248344 61 1111.9790522636 86 1567.7081720438
12 218.74997749448 37 674.47909727465 62 1130.2082170548 87 1585.937336835
13 236.97914228569 38 692.70826206585 63 1148.437381846 88 1604.1665016262
14 255.20830707689 39 710.93742685706 64 1166.6665466372 89 1622.3956664174
15 273.4374718681 40 729.16659164827 65 1184.8957114284 90 1640.6248312086
16 291.66663665931 41 747.39575643947 66 1203.1248762196 91 1658.8539959998
17 309.89580145051 42 765.62492123068 67 1221.3540410108 92 1677.083160791
18 328.12496624172 43 783.85408602189 68 1239.5832058021 93 1695.3123255822
19 346.35413103293 44 802.08325081309 69 1257.8123705933 94 1713.5414903734
20 364.58329582413 45 820.3124156043 70 1276.0415353845 95 1731.7706551646
21 382.81246061534 46 838.54158039551 71 1294.2707001757 96 1749.9998199558
22 401.04162540655 47 856.77074518671 72 1312.4998649669 97 1768.228984747
23 419.27079019775 48 874.99990997792 73 1330.7290297581 98 1786.4581495383
24 437.49995498896 49 893.22907476913 74 1348.9581945493 99 1804.6873143295
25 455.72911978017 50 911.45823956033 75 1367.1873593405 100 1822.9164791207

  • oz
    Ounce (28.34 grams)
    The ounce (abbreviated oz) is a unit of mass, weight, or volume used in most British derived customary systems of measurement. The common avoirdupois ounce (approximately 28.3 g) is 1⁄16 of a common avoirdupois pound; this is the United States customary and British imperial ounce. It is primarily used in the United States to measure packaged foods and food portions, postal items, areal density of fabric and paper, boxing gloves, and so on; but sometimes also elsewhere in the Anglosphere.
  • dwt
    Pennyweight (1.5552 gram)
    The pennyweight symbol is dwt. There are 24 grains in 1 dwt, and 20 dwt in one troy ounce. Because there were 12 troy ounces in the old troy pound, there would have been 240 pennyweights to the pound—the basis of the fact that the old British pound sterling of currency contained 240 pence. (However, prior to 1526, English pound sterling was based on the tower pound, which is 15⁄16 of a troy pound.) The d in dwt stands for denarius, the ancient Roman coin, referred to in the New Testament, that equates loosely to a penny. The symbol d for penny can be recognized in the notation for British pre-decimal pennies, in which pounds, shillings, and pence were indicated using the symbols £, s, and d, respectively. For example, £6 11s 8d indicated six pounds, eleven shillings, and eight pence.
Tags Ounces to Pennyweights oz to dwt Ounces oz Pennyweights dwt converter calculator conversion table