Pounds to Long Hundredweights (UK) calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Pounds to Long Hundredweights (UK)? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units lb and cwt long.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

cwt long

Pounds to Long Hundredweights (UK) formula

Long Hundredweights (UK) to Pounds formula


Pouds is mostly used in the United States. Most of the other countries in the world have adopted the metric system.

Source: Wikipedia

Long Hundredweights (UK)
Long Hundredweights (UK)

Hundredweight (cwt) used in a road sign in Ilkley, Yorkshire.

Source: Wikipedia

Pounds to Long Hundredweights (UK) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Pounds to Long Hundredweights (UK) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

lb cwt long lb cwt long lb cwt long lb cwt long
1 0.0089285723846579 26 0.2321428820011 51 0.45535719161755 76 0.678571501234
2 0.017857144769316 27 0.24107145438576 52 0.46428576400221 77 0.68750007361866
3 0.026785717153974 28 0.25000002677042 53 0.47321433638687 78 0.69642864600331
4 0.035714289538631 29 0.25892859915508 54 0.48214290877153 79 0.70535721838797
5 0.044642861923289 30 0.26785717153974 55 0.49107148115618 80 0.71428579077263
6 0.053571434307947 31 0.27678574392439 56 0.50000005354084 81 0.72321436315729
7 0.062500006692605 32 0.28571431630905 57 0.5089286259255 82 0.73214293554195
8 0.071428579077263 33 0.29464288869371 58 0.51785719831016 83 0.7410715079266
9 0.080357151461921 34 0.30357146107837 59 0.52678577069481 84 0.75000008031126
10 0.089285723846579 35 0.31250003346303 60 0.53571434307947 85 0.75892865269592
11 0.098214296231237 36 0.32142860584768 61 0.54464291546413 86 0.76785722508058
12 0.10714286861589 37 0.33035717823234 62 0.55357148784879 87 0.77678579746523
13 0.11607144100055 38 0.339285750617 63 0.56250006023345 88 0.78571436984989
14 0.12500001338521 39 0.34821432300166 64 0.5714286326181 89 0.79464294223455
15 0.13392858576987 40 0.35714289538631 65 0.58035720500276 90 0.80357151461921
16 0.14285715815453 41 0.36607146777097 66 0.58928577738742 91 0.81250008700387
17 0.15178573053918 42 0.37500004015563 67 0.59821434977208 92 0.82142865938852
18 0.16071430292384 43 0.38392861254029 68 0.60714292215674 93 0.83035723177318
19 0.1696428753085 44 0.39285718492495 69 0.61607149454139 94 0.83928580415784
20 0.17857144769316 45 0.4017857573096 70 0.62500006692605 95 0.8482143765425
21 0.18750002007782 46 0.41071432969426 71 0.63392863931071 96 0.85714294892716
22 0.19642859246247 47 0.41964290207892 72 0.64285721169537 97 0.86607152131181
23 0.20535716484713 48 0.42857147446358 73 0.65178578408002 98 0.87500009369647
24 0.21428573723179 49 0.43750004684824 74 0.66071435646468 99 0.88392866608113
25 0.22321430961645 50 0.44642861923289 75 0.66964292884934 100 0.89285723846579

  • Long Hundredweight (50,802.34 grams)
    The hundredweight (abbreviation: cwt), formerly also known as the centum weight or quintal, is an English, imperial, and US customary unit of weight or mass of various values. Its present value continues to differ between the American and imperial systems. The two values are distinguished in American English as the "short" and "long" hundredweight and in British English as the "cental" and the "imperial hundredweight". The long or imperial hundredweight of 8 stone (112 lb or 50.802345 kg) is in informal use in the imperial system but its use for trade in the UK was ended by Schedule 1, Part VI of the Weights and Measures Act 1985.
  • Pound (453.59 grams)
    It is not to be confused with the short ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg) used in the United States and in Canada before metrication also referred to simply as a "ton".
Tags Pounds to Long Hundredweights (UK) lb to cwt long Pounds lb Long Hundredweights (UK) cwt long converter calculator conversion table