Pounds to Pennyweights calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Pounds to Pennyweights? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units lb and dwt.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Pounds to Pennyweights formula

Pennyweights to Pounds formula


Pouds is mostly used in the United States. Most of the other countries in the world have adopted the metric system.

Source: Wikipedia


A pennyweight (abbreviated dwt, from denarius weight) is a unit of mass that is equal to 24 grains, 1⁄20 of a troy ounce, 1⁄240 of a troy pound, approximately 0.054857 avoirdupois ounce and exactly 1.55517384 grams.

Source: Wikipedia

Pounds to Pennyweights Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Pounds to Pennyweights conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

lb dwt lb dwt lb dwt lb dwt
1 291.66663665931 26 7583.332553142 51 14874.998469625 76 22166.664386107
2 583.33327331861 27 7874.9991898013 52 15166.665106284 77 22458.331022767
3 874.99990997792 28 8166.6658264606 53 15458.331742943 78 22749.997659426
4 1166.6665466372 29 8458.3324631199 54 15749.998379603 79 23041.664296085
5 1458.3331832965 30 8749.9990997792 55 16041.665016262 80 23333.330932745
6 1749.9998199558 31 9041.6657364385 56 16333.331652921 81 23624.997569404
7 2041.6664566151 32 9333.3323730978 57 16624.99828958 82 23916.664206063
8 2333.3330932745 33 9624.9990097571 58 16916.66492624 83 24208.330842722
9 2624.9997299338 34 9916.6656464164 59 17208.331562899 84 24499.997479382
10 2916.6663665931 35 10208.332283076 60 17499.998199558 85 24791.664116041
11 3208.3330032524 36 10499.998919735 61 17791.664836218 86 25083.3307527
12 3499.9996399117 37 10791.665556394 62 18083.331472877 87 25374.99738936
13 3791.666276571 38 11083.332193054 63 18374.998109536 88 25666.664026019
14 4083.3329132303 39 11374.998829713 64 18666.664746196 89 25958.330662678
15 4374.9995498896 40 11666.665466372 65 18958.331382855 90 26249.997299338
16 4666.6661865489 41 11958.332103032 66 19249.998019514 91 26541.663935997
17 4958.3328232082 42 12249.998739691 67 19541.664656174 92 26833.330572656
18 5249.9994598675 43 12541.66537635 68 19833.331292833 93 27124.997209315
19 5541.6660965268 44 12833.332013009 69 20124.997929492 94 27416.663845975
20 5833.3327331861 45 13124.998649669 70 20416.664566151 95 27708.330482634
21 6124.9993698454 46 13416.665286328 71 20708.331202811 96 27999.997119293
22 6416.6660065047 47 13708.331922987 72 20999.99783947 97 28291.663755953
23 6708.332643164 48 13999.998559647 73 21291.664476129 98 28583.330392612
24 6999.9992798234 49 14291.665196306 74 21583.331112789 99 28874.997029271
25 7291.6659164827 50 14583.331832965 75 21874.997749448 100 29166.663665931

  • Pound (453.59 grams)
    It is not to be confused with the short ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg) used in the United States and in Canada before metrication also referred to simply as a "ton".
  • Pennyweight (1.5552 gram)
    The pennyweight symbol is dwt. There are 24 grains in 1 dwt, and 20 dwt in one troy ounce. Because there were 12 troy ounces in the old troy pound, there would have been 240 pennyweights to the pound—the basis of the fact that the old British pound sterling of currency contained 240 pence. (However, prior to 1526, English pound sterling was based on the tower pound, which is 15⁄16 of a troy pound.) The d in dwt stands for denarius, the ancient Roman coin, referred to in the New Testament, that equates loosely to a penny. The symbol d for penny can be recognized in the notation for British pre-decimal pennies, in which pounds, shillings, and pence were indicated using the symbols £, s, and d, respectively. For example, £6 11s 8d indicated six pounds, eleven shillings, and eight pence.
Tags Pounds to Pennyweights lb to dwt Pounds lb Pennyweights dwt converter calculator conversion table