Short Hundredweights (US) to Pounds calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Short Hundredweights (US) to Pounds? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units cwt short and lb.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

cwt short

Short Hundredweights (US) to Pounds formula

Pounds to Short Hundredweights (US) formula

Short Hundredweights (US)
Short Hundredweights (US)

Hundredweight (cwt) used in a road sign in Ilkley, Yorkshire.

Source: Wikipedia


Pouds is mostly used in the United States. Most of the other countries in the world have adopted the metric system.

Source: Wikipedia

Short Hundredweights (US) to Pounds Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Short Hundredweights (US) to Pounds conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

cwt short lb cwt short lb cwt short lb cwt short lb
1 100.00000661387 26 2600.0001719606 51 5100.0003373073 76 7600.000502654
2 200.00001322774 27 2700.0001785744 52 5200.0003439211 77 7700.0005092678
3 300.0000198416 28 2800.0001851883 53 5300.000350535 78 7800.0005158817
4 400.00002645547 29 2900.0001918022 54 5400.0003571489 79 7900.0005224956
5 500.00003306934 30 3000.000198416 55 5500.0003637627 80 8000.0005291094
6 600.00003968321 31 3100.0002050299 56 5600.0003703766 81 8100.0005357233
7 700.00004629707 32 3200.0002116438 57 5700.0003769905 82 8200.0005423372
8 800.00005291094 33 3300.0002182576 58 5800.0003836043 83 8300.000548951
9 900.00005952481 34 3400.0002248715 59 5900.0003902182 84 8400.0005555649
10 1000.0000661387 35 3500.0002314854 60 6000.0003968321 85 8500.0005621788
11 1100.0000727525 36 3600.0002380992 61 6100.0004034459 86 8600.0005687926
12 1200.0000793664 37 3700.0002447131 62 6200.0004100598 87 8700.0005754065
13 1300.0000859803 38 3800.000251327 63 6300.0004166737 88 8800.0005820204
14 1400.0000925941 39 3900.0002579408 64 6400.0004232875 89 8900.0005886342
15 1500.000099208 40 4000.0002645547 65 6500.0004299014 90 9000.0005952481
16 1600.0001058219 41 4100.0002711686 66 6600.0004365153 91 9100.000601862
17 1700.0001124358 42 4200.0002777825 67 6700.0004431291 92 9200.0006084758
18 1800.0001190496 43 4300.0002843963 68 6800.000449743 93 9300.0006150897
19 1900.0001256635 44 4400.0002910102 69 6900.0004563569 94 9400.0006217036
20 2000.0001322774 45 4500.0002976241 70 7000.0004629708 95 9500.0006283174
21 2100.0001388912 46 4600.0003042379 71 7100.0004695846 96 9600.0006349313
22 2200.0001455051 47 4700.0003108518 72 7200.0004761985 97 9700.0006415452
23 2300.000152119 48 4800.0003174657 73 7300.0004828124 98 9800.000648159
24 2400.0001587328 49 4900.0003240795 74 7400.0004894262 99 9900.0006547729
25 2500.0001653467 50 5000.0003306934 75 7500.0004960401 100 10000.000661387

  • Short Hundredweight (45,359.24 grams)
    The hundredweight (abbreviation: cwt), formerly also known as the centum weight or quintal, is an English, imperial, and US customary unit of weight or mass of various values. Its present value continues to differ between the American and imperial systems. The two values are distinguished in American English as the "short" and "long" hundredweight and in British English as the "cental" and the "imperial hundredweight". The short hundredweight or cental of 100 lb (45.359237 kg) is used in the US and Canada.
  • Pound (453.59 grams)
    It is not to be confused with the short ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg) used in the United States and in Canada before metrication also referred to simply as a "ton".
Tags Short Hundredweights (US) to Pounds cwt short to lb Short Hundredweights (US) cwt short Pounds lb converter calculator conversion table