Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional) calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional)? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units dath and calnutritional.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional) formula

Calories (Nutritional) to Dekatherms formula

Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

dath calnutritional dath calnutritional dath calnutritional dath calnutritional
1 251996.03515812 26 6551896.914111 51 12851797.793064 76 19151698.672017
2 503992.07031623 27 6803892.9492691 52 13103793.828222 77 19403694.707175
3 755988.10547435 28 7055888.9844272 53 13355789.86338 78 19655690.742333
4 1007984.1406325 29 7307885.0195854 54 13607785.898538 79 19907686.777491
5 1259980.1757906 30 7559881.0547435 55 13859781.933696 80 20159682.812649
6 1511976.2109487 31 7811877.0899016 56 14111777.968854 81 20411678.847807
7 1763972.2461068 32 8063873.1250597 57 14363774.004013 82 20663674.882966
8 2015968.2812649 33 8315869.1602178 58 14615770.039171 83 20915670.918124
9 2267964.316423 34 8567865.1953759 59 14867766.074329 84 21167666.953282
10 2519960.3515812 35 8819861.2305341 60 15119762.109487 85 21419662.98844
11 2771956.3867393 36 9071857.2656922 61 15371758.144645 86 21671659.023598
12 3023952.4218974 37 9323853.3008503 62 15623754.179803 87 21923655.058756
13 3275948.4570555 38 9575849.3360084 63 15875750.214961 88 22175651.093914
14 3527944.4922136 39 9827845.3711665 64 16127746.250119 89 22427647.129072
15 3779940.5273717 40 10079841.406325 65 16379742.285278 90 22679643.16423
16 4031936.5625299 41 10331837.441483 66 16631738.320436 91 22931639.199389
17 4283932.597688 42 10583833.476641 67 16883734.355594 92 23183635.234547
18 4535928.6328461 43 10835829.511799 68 17135730.390752 93 23435631.269705
19 4787924.6680042 44 11087825.546957 69 17387726.42591 94 23687627.304863
20 5039920.7031623 45 11339821.582115 70 17639722.461068 95 23939623.340021
21 5291916.7383204 46 11591817.617273 71 17891718.496226 96 24191619.375179
22 5543912.7734786 47 11843813.652431 72 18143714.531384 97 24443615.410337
23 5795908.8086367 48 12095809.68759 73 18395710.566542 98 24695611.445495
24 6047904.8437948 49 12347805.722748 74 18647706.601701 99 24947607.480653
25 6299900.8789529 50 12599801.757906 75 18899702.636859 100 25199603.515812

  • Dekatherm (1,055,057,000 J)
    A dekatherm (dth) is a unit of energy used primarily to measure natural gas, developed in about 1972 by the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation, a natural gas pipeline company. It is equal to 10 therms or 1,000,000 British thermal units (MMBtu) or 1.055 GJ. It is also approximately equal to one thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of natural gas or exactly one Mcf of natural gas with a heating value of 1000 Btu/cf.
  • Calorie (Nutritional) (4,186 J)
    A calorie is a unit of energy. Various definitions exist but fall into two broad categories. The first, the small calorie, or gram calorie (symbol: cal), is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere. The second, the large calorie or kilogram calorie (symbols: Cal, kcal), also known as the food calorie and similar names, is defined in terms of the kilogram rather than the gram. It is equal to 1000 small calories or 1 kilocalorie (symbol: kcal). In a nutritional context, the kilojoule (kJ) is the SI unit of food energy, although the kilocalorie is still in common use. The word calorie is popularly used with the number of kilocalories of nutritional energy measured. As if to avoid confusion, it is sometimes written Calorie (with a capital "C") in an attempt to make the distinction, although this is not widely understood. Capitalization contravenes the rule that the initial letter of a unit name or its derivative shall be lower case in English.
Tags Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional) dath to calnutritional Dekatherms dath Calories (Nutritional) calnutritional converter calculator conversion table


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Dekatherms to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Dekatherms to Tons (explosive)
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Dekatherms to Gigajoules
Dekatherms to Therms
Dekatherms to Thermies
Dekatherms to Kilowatt hours
Dekatherms to Horsepower hours
Dekatherms to Megajoules
Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional)
Dekatherms to Kilogram calories
Dekatherms to Watthours
Dekatherms to Btus
Dekatherms to Kilojoules
Dekatherms to Liter atmospheres
Dekatherms to Calories (15°C)
Dekatherms to Calories (I.T.)
Dekatherms to Calories (Thermochemical)
Dekatherms to Gram calories
Dekatherms to Foot pounds
Dekatherms to Joules
Dekatherms to Newton meters
Dekatherms to Wattseconds
Dekatherms to Inch pounds
Dekatherms to Inch ounces
Dekatherms to Millijoules
Dekatherms to Microjoules
Dekatherms to Teraelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Ergs
Dekatherms to Nanojoules
Dekatherms to Picojoules
Dekatherms to Megaelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Femtojoules
Dekatherms to Hartrees
Dekatherms to Electronvolts
Calories (Nutritional) to Q units
Calories (Nutritional) to Quads
Calories (Nutritional) to Exajoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Terawatthours
Calories (Nutritional) to Petajoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Gigawatt hours
Calories (Nutritional) to Terajoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Calories (Nutritional) to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Calories (Nutritional) to Tons (explosive)
Calories (Nutritional) to Megawatthours
Calories (Nutritional) to Dekatherms
Calories (Nutritional) to Gigajoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Therms
Calories (Nutritional) to Thermies
Calories (Nutritional) to Kilowatt hours
Calories (Nutritional) to Horsepower hours
Calories (Nutritional) to Megajoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Kilogram calories
Calories (Nutritional) to Watthours
Calories (Nutritional) to Btus
Calories (Nutritional) to Kilojoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Liter atmospheres
Calories (Nutritional) to Calories (15°C)
Calories (Nutritional) to Calories (I.T.)
Calories (Nutritional) to Calories (Thermochemical)
Calories (Nutritional) to Gram calories
Calories (Nutritional) to Foot pounds
Calories (Nutritional) to Joules
Calories (Nutritional) to Newton meters
Calories (Nutritional) to Wattseconds
Calories (Nutritional) to Inch pounds
Calories (Nutritional) to Inch ounces
Calories (Nutritional) to Millijoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Microjoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Teraelectronvolts
Calories (Nutritional) to Ergs
Calories (Nutritional) to Nanojoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Picojoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Megaelectronvolts
Calories (Nutritional) to Femtojoules
Calories (Nutritional) to Hartrees
Calories (Nutritional) to Electronvolts