Dekatherms to Hartrees calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Dekatherms to Hartrees? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units dath and Eh.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Dekatherms to Hartrees formula

Hartrees to Dekatherms formula

Dekatherms to Hartrees Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Dekatherms to Hartrees conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

dath Eh dath Eh dath Eh dath Eh
1 2.4199952648641E+26 26 6.2919876886468E+27 51 1.2341975850807E+28 76 1.8391964012968E+28
2 4.8399905297283E+26 27 6.5339872151332E+27 52 1.2583975377294E+28 77 1.8633963539454E+28
3 7.2599857945924E+26 28 6.7759867416196E+27 53 1.282597490378E+28 78 1.887596306594E+28
4 9.6799810594566E+26 29 7.017986268106E+27 54 1.3067974430266E+28 79 1.9117962592427E+28
5 1.2099976324321E+27 30 7.2599857945924E+27 55 1.3309973956753E+28 80 1.9359962118913E+28
6 1.4519971589185E+27 31 7.5019853210789E+27 56 1.3551973483239E+28 81 1.96019616454E+28
7 1.6939966854049E+27 32 7.7439848475653E+27 57 1.3793973009726E+28 82 1.9843961171886E+28
8 1.9359962118913E+27 33 7.9859843740517E+27 58 1.4035972536212E+28 83 2.0085960698372E+28
9 2.1779957383777E+27 34 8.2279839005381E+27 59 1.4277972062698E+28 84 2.0327960224859E+28
10 2.4199952648641E+27 35 8.4699834270245E+27 60 1.4519971589185E+28 85 2.0569959751345E+28
11 2.6619947913506E+27 36 8.7119829535109E+27 61 1.4761971115671E+28 86 2.0811959277832E+28
12 2.903994317837E+27 37 8.9539824799974E+27 62 1.5003970642158E+28 87 2.1053958804318E+28
13 3.1459938443234E+27 38 9.1959820064838E+27 63 1.5245970168644E+28 88 2.1295958330805E+28
14 3.3879933708098E+27 39 9.4379815329702E+27 64 1.5487969695131E+28 89 2.1537957857291E+28
15 3.6299928972962E+27 40 9.6799810594566E+27 65 1.5729969221617E+28 90 2.1779957383777E+28
16 3.8719924237826E+27 41 9.921980585943E+27 66 1.5971968748103E+28 91 2.2021956910264E+28
17 4.1139919502691E+27 42 1.0163980112429E+28 67 1.621396827459E+28 92 2.226395643675E+28
18 4.3559914767555E+27 43 1.0405979638916E+28 68 1.6455967801076E+28 93 2.2505955963237E+28
19 4.5979910032419E+27 44 1.0647979165402E+28 69 1.6697967327563E+28 94 2.2747955489723E+28
20 4.8399905297283E+27 45 1.0889978691889E+28 70 1.6939966854049E+28 95 2.2989955016209E+28
21 5.0819900562147E+27 46 1.1131978218375E+28 71 1.7181966380535E+28 96 2.3231954542696E+28
22 5.3239895827011E+27 47 1.1373977744862E+28 72 1.7423965907022E+28 97 2.3473954069182E+28
23 5.5659891091875E+27 48 1.1615977271348E+28 73 1.7665965433508E+28 98 2.3715953595669E+28
24 5.807988635674E+27 49 1.1857976797834E+28 74 1.7907964959995E+28 99 2.3957953122155E+28
25 6.0499881621604E+27 50 1.2099976324321E+28 75 1.8149964486481E+28 100 2.4199952648641E+28

  • Dekatherm (1,055,057,000 J)
    A dekatherm (dth) is a unit of energy used primarily to measure natural gas, developed in about 1972 by the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation, a natural gas pipeline company. It is equal to 10 therms or 1,000,000 British thermal units (MMBtu) or 1.055 GJ. It is also approximately equal to one thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of natural gas or exactly one Mcf of natural gas with a heating value of 1000 Btu/cf.
  • Hartree (0.0000000000000000043 J)
    The hartree (symbol: Eh or Ha), also known as the Hartree energy, is the atomic unit of energy, named after the British physicist Douglas Hartree. It is defined as 2R∞hc, where R∞ is the Rydberg constant, h is the Planck constant and c is the speed of light. The 2014 CODATA recommended value is Eh = 4.359 744 650(54)×10−18 J = 27.211 386 02(17) eV. The hartree energy is approximately the electric potential energy of the hydrogen atom in its ground state and, by the virial theorem, approximately twice its ionization energy; the relationships are not exact because of the finite mass of the nucleus of the hydrogen atom and relativistic corrections. The hartree is usually used as a unit of energy in atomic physics and computational chemistry: for experimental measurements at the atomic scale, the electronvolt (eV) or the reciprocal centimetre (cm−1) are much more widely used.
Tags Dekatherms to Hartrees dath to Eh Dekatherms dath Hartrees Eh converter calculator conversion table


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Dekatherms to Btus
Dekatherms to Kilojoules
Dekatherms to Liter atmospheres
Dekatherms to Calories (15°C)
Dekatherms to Calories (I.T.)
Dekatherms to Calories (Thermochemical)
Dekatherms to Gram calories
Dekatherms to Foot pounds
Dekatherms to Joules
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Dekatherms to Wattseconds
Dekatherms to Inch pounds
Dekatherms to Inch ounces
Dekatherms to Millijoules
Dekatherms to Microjoules
Dekatherms to Teraelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Ergs
Dekatherms to Nanojoules
Dekatherms to Picojoules
Dekatherms to Megaelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Femtojoules
Dekatherms to Hartrees
Dekatherms to Electronvolts
Hartrees to Q units
Hartrees to Quads
Hartrees to Exajoules
Hartrees to Terawatthours
Hartrees to Petajoules
Hartrees to Gigawatt hours
Hartrees to Terajoules
Hartrees to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Hartrees to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Hartrees to Tons (explosive)
Hartrees to Megawatthours
Hartrees to Dekatherms
Hartrees to Gigajoules
Hartrees to Therms
Hartrees to Thermies
Hartrees to Kilowatt hours
Hartrees to Horsepower hours
Hartrees to Megajoules
Hartrees to Calories (Nutritional)
Hartrees to Kilogram calories
Hartrees to Watthours
Hartrees to Btus
Hartrees to Kilojoules
Hartrees to Liter atmospheres
Hartrees to Calories (15°C)
Hartrees to Calories (I.T.)
Hartrees to Calories (Thermochemical)
Hartrees to Gram calories
Hartrees to Foot pounds
Hartrees to Joules
Hartrees to Newton meters
Hartrees to Wattseconds
Hartrees to Inch pounds
Hartrees to Inch ounces
Hartrees to Millijoules
Hartrees to Microjoules
Hartrees to Teraelectronvolts
Hartrees to Ergs
Hartrees to Nanojoules
Hartrees to Picojoules
Hartrees to Megaelectronvolts
Hartrees to Femtojoules
Hartrees to Electronvolts