Dekatherms to Therms calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Dekatherms to Therms? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units dath and thm.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Dekatherms to Therms formula

Therms to Dekatherms formula

Dekatherms to Therms Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Dekatherms to Therms conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

dath thm dath thm dath thm dath thm
1 10.00000947817 26 260.00024643242 51 510.00048338666 76 760.00072034091
2 20.00001895634 27 270.00025591059 52 520.00049286483 77 770.00072981908
3 30.00002843451 28 280.00026538876 53 530.000502343 78 780.00073929725
4 40.00003791268 29 290.00027486693 54 540.00051182117 79 790.00074877542
5 50.000047390849 30 300.0002843451 55 550.00052129934 80 800.00075825359
6 60.000056869019 31 310.00029382327 56 560.00053077751 81 810.00076773176
7 70.000066347189 32 320.00030330144 57 570.00054025568 82 820.00077720993
8 80.000075825359 33 330.00031277961 58 580.00054973385 83 830.0007866881
9 90.000085303529 34 340.00032225778 59 590.00055921202 84 840.00079616627
10 100.0000947817 35 350.00033173595 60 600.00056869019 85 850.00080564444
11 110.00010425987 36 360.00034121412 61 610.00057816836 86 860.00081512261
12 120.00011373804 37 370.00035069229 62 620.00058764653 87 870.00082460078
13 130.00012321621 38 380.00036017046 63 630.0005971247 88 880.00083407895
14 140.00013269438 39 390.00036964863 64 640.00060660287 89 890.00084355712
15 150.00014217255 40 400.0003791268 65 650.00061608104 90 900.00085303529
16 160.00015165072 41 410.00038860497 66 660.00062555921 91 910.00086251346
17 170.00016112889 42 420.00039808313 67 670.00063503738 92 920.00087199163
18 180.00017060706 43 430.0004075613 68 680.00064451555 93 930.0008814698
19 190.00018008523 44 440.00041703947 69 690.00065399372 94 940.00089094797
20 200.0001895634 45 450.00042651764 70 700.00066347189 95 950.00090042614
21 210.00019904157 46 460.00043599581 71 710.00067295006 96 960.00090990431
22 220.00020851974 47 470.00044547398 72 720.00068242823 97 970.00091938248
23 230.00021799791 48 480.00045495215 73 730.0006919064 98 980.00092886065
24 240.00022747608 49 490.00046443032 74 740.00070138457 99 990.00093833882
25 250.00023695425 50 500.00047390849 75 750.00071086274 100 1000.000947817

  • Dekatherm (1,055,057,000 J)
    A dekatherm (dth) is a unit of energy used primarily to measure natural gas, developed in about 1972 by the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation, a natural gas pipeline company. It is equal to 10 therms or 1,000,000 British thermal units (MMBtu) or 1.055 GJ. It is also approximately equal to one thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of natural gas or exactly one Mcf of natural gas with a heating value of 1000 Btu/cf.
  • Therm (105,505,600 J)
    Not to be confused with Thermies unit. The therm (symbol, thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (Btu). It is approximately the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet (2.83 cubic metres) – often referred to as 1 CCF – of natural gas. Since natural gas meters measure volume and not energy content, a therm factor is used by natural gas companies to convert the volume of gas used to its heat equivalent, and thus calculate the actual energy use. The therm factor is usually expressed in units of therms per CCF. It will vary with the mix of hydrocarbons in the natural gas. Natural gas with a higher than average concentration of ethane, propane or butane will have a higher therm factor. Impurities, such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen, lower the therm factor. One therm is equal to about 105.5 megajoules, 25200 kilocalories, or 29.3 kilowatt-hours. One therm can also be provided by about 96.7 cubic feet (2.74 m3) of natural gas. The therm sometimes has been confused with the thermie. The names of both units come from the Greek word for heat.
Tags Dekatherms to Therms dath to thm Dekatherms dath Therms thm converter calculator conversion table


Dekatherms to Q units
Dekatherms to Quads
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Dekatherms to Petajoules
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Dekatherms to Terajoules
Dekatherms to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Dekatherms to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Dekatherms to Tons (explosive)
Dekatherms to Megawatthours
Dekatherms to Gigajoules
Dekatherms to Therms
Dekatherms to Thermies
Dekatherms to Kilowatt hours
Dekatherms to Horsepower hours
Dekatherms to Megajoules
Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional)
Dekatherms to Kilogram calories
Dekatherms to Watthours
Dekatherms to Btus
Dekatherms to Kilojoules
Dekatherms to Liter atmospheres
Dekatherms to Calories (15°C)
Dekatherms to Calories (I.T.)
Dekatherms to Calories (Thermochemical)
Dekatherms to Gram calories
Dekatherms to Foot pounds
Dekatherms to Joules
Dekatherms to Newton meters
Dekatherms to Wattseconds
Dekatherms to Inch pounds
Dekatherms to Inch ounces
Dekatherms to Millijoules
Dekatherms to Microjoules
Dekatherms to Teraelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Ergs
Dekatherms to Nanojoules
Dekatherms to Picojoules
Dekatherms to Megaelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Femtojoules
Dekatherms to Hartrees
Dekatherms to Electronvolts
Therms to Q units
Therms to Quads
Therms to Exajoules
Therms to Terawatthours
Therms to Petajoules
Therms to Gigawatt hours
Therms to Terajoules
Therms to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Therms to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Therms to Tons (explosive)
Therms to Megawatthours
Therms to Dekatherms
Therms to Gigajoules
Therms to Thermies
Therms to Kilowatt hours
Therms to Horsepower hours
Therms to Megajoules
Therms to Calories (Nutritional)
Therms to Kilogram calories
Therms to Watthours
Therms to Btus
Therms to Kilojoules
Therms to Liter atmospheres
Therms to Calories (15°C)
Therms to Calories (I.T.)
Therms to Calories (Thermochemical)
Therms to Gram calories
Therms to Foot pounds
Therms to Joules
Therms to Newton meters
Therms to Wattseconds
Therms to Inch pounds
Therms to Inch ounces
Therms to Millijoules
Therms to Microjoules
Therms to Teraelectronvolts
Therms to Ergs
Therms to Nanojoules
Therms to Picojoules
Therms to Megaelectronvolts
Therms to Femtojoules
Therms to Hartrees
Therms to Electronvolts