Miles to Furlongs calculator

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How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Miles to Furlongs formula

Furlongs to Miles formula


A milestone in Westminster showing the distance from Knightsbridge to Hounslow and Hyde Park Corner in miles.

Source: Wikipedia


Ten furlong marker at the Newmarket Race.

Source: Wikipedia

Miles to Furlongs Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Miles to Furlongs conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

mi fur mi fur mi fur mi fur
1 7.9999840929291 26 207.99958641616 51 407.99918873938 76 607.99879106261
2 15.999968185858 27 215.99957050909 52 415.99917283231 77 615.99877515554
3 23.999952278787 28 223.99955460201 53 423.99915692524 78 623.99875924847
4 31.999936371716 29 231.99953869494 54 431.99914101817 79 631.9987433414
5 39.999920464646 30 239.99952278787 55 439.9991251111 80 639.99872743433
6 47.999904557575 31 247.9995068808 56 447.99910920403 81 647.99871152726
7 55.999888650504 32 255.99949097373 57 455.99909329696 82 655.99869562019
8 63.999872743433 33 263.99947506666 58 463.99907738989 83 663.99867971312
9 71.999856836362 34 271.99945915959 59 471.99906148282 84 671.99866380604
10 79.999840929291 35 279.99944325252 60 479.99904557575 85 679.99864789897
11 87.99982502222 36 287.99942734545 61 487.99902966868 86 687.9986319919
12 95.999809115149 37 295.99941143838 62 495.9990137616 87 695.99861608483
13 103.99979320808 38 303.99939553131 63 503.99899785453 88 703.99860017776
14 111.99977730101 39 311.99937962424 64 511.99898194746 89 711.99858427069
15 119.99976139394 40 319.99936371716 65 519.99896604039 90 719.99856836362
16 127.99974548687 41 327.99934781009 66 527.99895013332 91 727.99855245655
17 135.99972957979 42 335.99933190302 67 535.99893422625 92 735.99853654948
18 143.99971367272 43 343.99931599595 68 543.99891831918 93 743.99852064241
19 151.99969776565 44 351.99930008888 69 551.99890241211 94 751.99850473534
20 159.99968185858 45 359.99928418181 70 559.99888650504 95 759.99848882827
21 167.99966595151 46 367.99926827474 71 567.99887059797 96 767.99847292119
22 175.99965004444 47 375.99925236767 72 575.9988546909 97 775.99845701412
23 183.99963413737 48 383.9992364606 73 583.99883878382 98 783.99844110705
24 191.9996182303 49 391.99922055353 74 591.99882287675 99 791.99842519998
25 199.99960232323 50 399.99920464646 75 599.99880696968 100 799.99840929291

  • Mile (1,609.34 meters)
    The mile is an English unit of length of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, and standardised as exactly 1,609.344 metres by international agreement in 1959.
  • Furlongs (201.16.84 meters)
    A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to one eighth of a mile, equivalent to 660 feet, 220 yards, 40 rods, or 10 chains. Using the international definition of the inch as exactly 25.4 millimetres, one furlong is 201.168 metres. However, the United States does not uniformly use this conversion ratio. Older ratios are in use for surveying purposes in some states, leading to variations in the length of the furlong of two parts per million, or about 0.4 millimetres (1⁄64 inch). This variation is too small to have practical consequences in most applications. Five furlongs are about 1.0 kilometre (1.00584 km is the exact value, according to the international conversion).
Tags Miles to Furlongs mi to fur Miles mi Furlongs fur converter calculator conversion table