Miles to US Leagues calculator

tedt long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Miles to US Leagues formula

US Leagues to Miles formula


A milestone in Westminster showing the distance from Knightsbridge to Hounslow and Hyde Park Corner in miles.

Source: Wikipedia

US Leagues
US Leagues

A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour.

Source: Wikipedia / Natural Living Ideas

Miles to US Leagues Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Miles to US Leagues conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

mi lea mi lea mi lea mi lea
1 0.33333264292233 26 8.6666487159805 51 16.999964789039 76 25.333280862097
2 0.66666528584466 27 8.9999813589028 52 17.333297431961 77 25.666613505019
3 0.99999792876698 28 9.3333140018252 53 17.666630074883 78 25.999946147942
4 1.3333305716893 29 9.6666466447475 54 17.999962717806 79 26.333278790864
5 1.6666632146116 30 9.9999792876698 55 18.333295360728 80 26.666611433786
6 1.999995857534 31 10.333311930592 56 18.66662800365 81 26.999944076709
7 2.3333285004563 32 10.666644573514 57 18.999960646573 82 27.333276719631
8 2.6666611433786 33 10.999977216437 58 19.333293289495 83 27.666609362553
9 2.9999937863009 34 11.333309859359 59 19.666625932417 84 27.999942005476
10 3.3333264292233 35 11.666642502281 60 19.99995857534 85 28.333274648398
11 3.6666590721456 36 11.999975145204 61 20.333291218262 86 28.66660729132
12 3.9999917150679 37 12.333307788126 62 20.666623861184 87 28.999939934242
13 4.3333243579903 38 12.666640431048 63 20.999956504107 88 29.333272577165
14 4.6666570009126 39 12.999973073971 64 21.333289147029 89 29.666605220087
15 4.9999896438349 40 13.333305716893 65 21.666621789951 90 29.999937863009
16 5.3333222867572 41 13.666638359815 66 21.999954432874 91 30.333270505932
17 5.6666549296796 42 13.999971002738 67 22.333287075796 92 30.666603148854
18 5.9999875726019 43 14.33330364566 68 22.666619718718 93 30.999935791776
19 6.3333202155242 44 14.666636288582 69 22.999952361641 94 31.333268434699
20 6.6666528584466 45 14.999968931505 70 23.333285004563 95 31.666601077621
21 6.9999855013689 46 15.333301574427 71 23.666617647485 96 31.999933720543
22 7.3333181442912 47 15.666634217349 72 23.999950290408 97 32.333266363466
23 7.6666507872135 48 15.999966860272 73 24.33328293333 98 32.666599006388
24 7.9999834301359 49 16.333299503194 74 24.666615576252 99 32.99993164931
25 8.3333160730582 50 16.666632146116 75 24.999948219175 100 33.333264292233

  • US League (4,828.042 meters)
    A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries. In U.S. linear measure, one league (Symbol: U.S. st. leag.) is equal to 15,840 feet (or three miles).
  • Mile (1,609.34 meters)
    The mile is an English unit of length of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, and standardised as exactly 1,609.344 metres by international agreement in 1959.
Tags Miles to US Leagues mi to lea Miles mi US Leagues lea converter calculator conversion table